Chris Klein

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Chris Klein is an upcoming movie star from Omaha, Nebraska who has starred in such films as Election, and American Pie, Here on Earth, Say it Ain't So, American Pie 2, and Rollerball. He was also rumored to be in contention for a costar role in Jurassic Park 3, but did not actually land the role. Last year he left Texas Christian University to pursue his acting career. When asked if he planned to return to college he simply replied "whatever happens".

Chris remembers his first acting experience as singing This Little Light of Mine at the Sheraton Convention Center in Chicago. This, and the school musical West Side Story are his only known previous acting experiences.

He claims to have no residence at the moment, and rumor has it he is living with his parents, but claims to be moving to Minneapolis soon to avoid public embarassment.

You see, while his name might not be known to you yet, he is fast becoming a hearthrob celebrity to adolescent females in the United States. Fan sites have begun sprouting up, and Hollywood journalists have reported him as dating Natalie Portman, Katie Holms, and Mena Suvari. At the same time, numerous women from the Omaha area have laid recent claims to date him, despite Chris' repeated attempts to refute those claims.

Chris is currently working on a film entitled We Were Soliders. The film centers around the fist battle between U.S. and Viet Cong forces in 1965. He will play a character named Geoghegan.

Chris got his first big break in the film Election. Election was a small budget comedy, filmed in Omaha, where he was attending high school. He walked on for an audition, and landed the role of Paul Metzler, which sparked his career.

Chris is perhaps best known for his role as Oz in American Pie, which he just finished reprising in American Pie 2. Oz is a sweet-hearted lacrosse player who joins a choir to meet women.

In Here on Earth, Chris Klein plays the roll as Kelly, a rich prep schooler who falls for a girl...only to find out that she's sick with a terminal illness. This marked hris's first "drama" and "romance" film, considering his first two were comedies.

Chris then went right back to a comedy. In Say it Ain't So Chris falls in love with a woman, only to be misled into thinking she's his sister. After the ruse is revealed, he travels across country to break up her wedding, and win her back.

American Pie 2 and Rollerball will both be released summer of 2001, while We Were Soldiers is slated for a 2002 release.

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