Sporting with Egon

2 Conversations

Egon's missing this week, so here's several with sports.

If someone on Hootoo wasn't among the estimated 750 million-to-one-billion Amfoot fans in 29 countries (plus America's Armed Force Network) that saw the broadcast the Stupor-Duper Bowl in 21 languages worldwide, you missed about ten minutes of scoring packaged into four hours of commercials. And that is not to mention the halftime show, where Justin Timberlake pulled down half of Janet Jackson's brassiere and exposed her right mammary gland to the world.

According to reports, Emptyteevee (MTV) sponsored the halftime show and CBS (primary telecaster) took their money. Neither is accepting any responsibility, disavowing any prior knowledge of the incident, but the Emptyteevee website had advertised a 'shocking exposure of Janet Jackson' before the game. Timberlake also apologized for messing up on world-wide teevee (probably for not also exposing the other silver star on Janet's other mammary gland1.

Anyway, all the points in the game (won by the New England Patriots 32-29 on a late-game field goal) were scored within a 3-minute section at the end of the first half and the last 7-10 minutes of the second half when the ultra-conservative coaches just let quarterbacks Jake Delhomme of the Carolina Panthers and Tom Brady of the Patriots call their own plays, instead of playing the conservative, close-to-the-vest game that yielded ZERO points in the first and third quarters. (And a double bonus for those random-numbers betters who had Pats 4 and Panthers 0, of which I was not.)

So the national media is continually re-running the breast incident and whining that 'this kind of thing shouldn't be on teevee'
and the internet jokes are already flying thru cyberspace.

Look as I have at the American sporting scene, NOTHING is gonna happen until March, when the college basketball playoffs begin, and it gets close to the end of the National Basketball Association season and their playoffs (hockey, too, but I just can't get enthusiastic about toothless men on ice skates) but I did dig out one note: the US is starting their 2004 Athens Olympic qualifying round in Guadalajara, Mexico this week, with teams from Canada, Honduras, Panama in flight A; and Costa Rica, Jamiaca, Mexico and Trinidad & Tobago in Flight B.

I shall refrain from any comments about how high in altitude the city of Guadalajara is, much less the players.

Major League Baseball's spring training begins in roughly three weeks, and many of us are anxiously awaiting the April Opening Days in two months. Perhaps the ice and snow will halfway melt by then.

Take care, and STAY WARM !!! This is several, a/k/a random, from the shores of the Great Lake (giant ice cube) named Erie, over and out and under the covers.

Have Your Say

If you would like to report, opine or rant on matters sporting as Several and I do here, then just drop me a line at my personal space, or comment below. Also comment below if you would like any elaboration or further explanation of any of this week's stories.

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Several a.k.a. Random  smiley - vampiresmiley - musicalnote

05.02.04 Front Page

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1Hey, I don't know....we call Michael Jackson 'whacko jacko' over here, so it might be customary for his sister Janet to put silver pasties on daily.

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