A Conversation for The Second to Last Frontier (Taken from the Captain's Log, December 10,1999, 22:30:46)

Underworld Main Chamber

Post 21

kats-eyes (psychically confirmed caffeine addict)

do I detect a slight stutututter here? maybe there's something wrong with the air supply? not the smell of garlic, that's perfectly normal, something else?

Underworld Main Chamber

Post 22

Something Witty

Robots can be seen and voted on my page, but I can't do that unless I know how to insert a graphic. Anyone know how? By the way, that garlic is very good. It must be fresh, for a little kid dressed up as a vampire has just fainted outside. What he was dressed up for, who knows?

Underworld Main Chamber

Post 23

Something Witty

By the way, I found out how to put pics on my page so you can all go look at it now.

Underworld Main Chamber

Post 24


Okay. So, what would I do under the sea... Hmm... could I poss be in charge of recycling - pollution would be too much of a problem in a self-contained environment.

Underworld Main Chamber

Post 25

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Bluebottle, there is only answer to that question. Yes or no

Underworld Main Chamber

Post 26

Something Witty

Yes. That is a YES. See my previous suggestions too Bluebottle.

Underworld Main Chamber

Post 27


Got any requirement for a computer programmer in there?

Underworld Main Chamber

Post 28


I can't see the robots, the page comes up with an error saying that you can't hotlink to files on the server and must you 50megs.com or whatever it is to host a website? does that make any sense?

Underworld Main Chamber

Post 29

Luna(Queen of Hearts)

Count me in!
With this many people in a closed environment, you'll need a 'head' plumber. smiley - winkeye
Since I'm just Luna-tic enough to want to the job.....!

*looks about*

Where does one get beverages?
Luckily, I brought along an Automated 2001 (Works better than the A-2000 in tne Cafe')
(Well, sometimes)smiley - smiley
If you can drink it we got it!!
Would anyone like a coffee?

Do I smell garlic? Yum.

Underworld Main Chamber

Post 30


I'll have a coffee whilst I wait and see if my services are needed in this colony

Underworld Main Chamber

Post 31

Luna(Queen of Hearts)

Here you are.
Careful, you can stand a spoon in it! smiley - winkeye
Sugar, cream, etc.. is on the side.

Need you're head shrunk? I'm going to be the resident Psycho-ologist. (I hope)smiley - winkeye

Underworld Main Chamber

Post 32


I might fit in here better with a shrunken head (more room for every one else), go on then I'll give it a go!

Underworld Main Chamber

Post 33

Something Witty

Sorry I've been away so long you guys. Over at The Aroma Cafe having a coffee. That's where I go when it's not my watch. We do need a computer specialist. That's where you could come in Krunchy. Also, a head shrinker and all that psycobabble would be great. Thanx Luna(tic). I have FINALLY made that stupid picture work. Click here to see the robots (http://www.angelfire.com/ct/pokemania/rbts.jpg)or got back to my homepage (click on my nickname) and let me know which one you like the best.

Underworld Main Chamber

Post 34

Something Witty

H2G2 formatting made the link incorrect. Try this:


Underworld Main Chamber

Post 35


robot 2 is cool, are we gonna have these in here?
Oh and I'll go get my computer and set it up in the corner shall I?
*goes and gets the components to build the colony a mainframe*

Underworld Main Chamber

Post 36


Yep - 1 & 2 are the best.

Underworld Main Chamber

Post 37

Something Witty

We can make as many as we want of number 3+4, and they're the only ones who will fit inside. The other ones will be more costly and would be harder to build. They can also only stay outside. The computer should be in the corner, Krunchy. We have now made our way 1/2345643 into the ocean with our bubble. Pardon my outwardness (is that even a word?) but we need a head builder if we really wnt to get cracking.

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