A Conversation for The Kitchen

Eggs coming out of my ears!

Post 1


Well, not literally, obviously smiley - laugh

However, my friend who has a dozen chickens has given me 2 dozen eggs smiley - yikes Organic, garden rootling, happy hen eggs. I cannot turn away free food smiley - tongueout Well, not strictly speaking free in this case: tthey were a barter for 12 tomato plants and 6 chilli pepper plants.

*Get to the point Frenchbean*

Anyway, my problem is what to do with 24 eggs? I'll make a cake smiley - ok with 4.

What to do with 20 eggs? I'll make a flan for the freezer smiley - ok with 3.

What to do with 17 eggs? I'll have one for my dinner smiley - ok

What to do with 16 eggs?

smiley - yikes Helpful suggestions needed please smiley - grovel

BTW, they're too good to throw at any of our 'esteemed' leaders, so don't even think that... smiley - rofl

smiley - cheers
Fbsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - star

Eggs coming out of my ears!

Post 2

Titania (gone for lunch)

Muffins, pies, omelettes...smiley - drool

Eggs coming out of my ears!

Post 3


Oh, I should have said: whatever I make needs to be stored. So stuff for freezing, drying smiley - erm, bottling etc.

Does that narrow it down a bit, or make it more complicated?

Fbsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - star

Eggs coming out of my ears!

Post 4

Titania (gone for lunch)

Muffins and pies shouldn't be any problem to freeze, not sure about omelettes - or cheese cake - though...

Can you freeze pancakes?

Eggs coming out of my ears!

Post 5

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

You certainly can keep pancakes in the freezer smiley - ok

Cakes are an excellent idea for using up eggs, especially rich fruit cakes and Dundee cake, because they not only keep for ages, they actually get better with age smiley - tongueout You should keep one of those for two weeks before you even cut into it for the first time. Recipes available at GoshoTowers smiley - winkeye

Flans and quiches also freeze well and use up a lot of eggs. They are great emergency fodder, and will go well with a salad made from the garden produce.

How about lemon curd?

And the eggs themsleves will keep for a good while, especially if they're as fresh as they sound - straight out of the hens' bums! You make your own bread don't you Fb? How about boiled eggs and soldiers for brekkers smiley - tongueout

Eggs coming out of my ears!

Post 6


You can actually freeze the eggs. But I think you have to separate them first. I'll check after while when I have more time. smiley - run


Eggs coming out of my ears!

Post 7


hello folks smiley - smiley

You can freeze eggs, either by seperating them-no trouble-and even less trouble, mix them lightly and freeze smiley - chicksmiley - snowman

Eggs coming out of my ears!

Post 8


Pancakes smiley - ok Good idea smiley - ta

I'm not sure about freezing eggs though smiley - erm

Yes of course I make my own bread smiley - doh. But there are only so many meals in the day to have eggy soldiers (3 or 4 at leastsmiley - laugh).

Cakes - yup: thought of that, but given my new svelt shape, I really don't want to have cakes hanging round the house as a temptation smiley - winkeye

Nobody's mentioned pickling them smiley - erm Are they any good?

smiley - cheers
Fbsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - star

Eggs coming out of my ears!

Post 9

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Pickled eggs smiley - drool

Eggs coming out of my ears!

Post 10


Pickled eggs smiley - ill

Eggs coming out of my ears!

Post 11


Ah smiley - erm That's a bit of a problem. Perhaps I should pickle just one. Then see if I like it? smiley - laugh

smiley - run off to find a recipe for pickled egg.

smiley - cheers
Fbsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - star

Eggs coming out of my ears!

Post 12


You can of course make batter mix and freeze it-and then you'll have a ready supply for pancake-ing smiley - smiley

Eggs coming out of my ears!

Post 13


Hello Primord.. smiley - smiley

That's a great idea too smiley - ok

I think I'll be caking, pancaking and battering this weekend smiley - laugh

I made a heap of scones last night. Smell delicious smiley - drool I'll take some into work tomorrow as a treat smiley - smiley Made with sultanas, mixed spice, sunflower seeds smiley - droolsmiley - bigeyes

smiley - cheers
Fbsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - star

Eggs coming out of my ears!

Post 14


How about plain old fried egg sandwiches? On some of your good home-made bread. smiley - drool But they have to be cut into little triangles. smiley - laugh Just like Mother used to make.


Eggs coming out of my ears!

Post 15

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

A776054smiley - spacesmiley - biggrin

Eggs coming out of my ears!

Post 16


Hurray for Bels smiley - applausesmiley - smiley

That's my dinner tonight sorted out then smiley - ok

Pickled eggs will be made this evening smiley - ok Hope I like them smiley - laugh

smiley - cheers
Fbsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - star

Eggs coming out of my ears!

Post 17


My mom never made egg sandwiches with soft yolks. She always broke them so they would run and turned them over so they cooked completely. Then she put the egg on buttered bread and cut the sandwich into four triangles. smiley - smiley She liked mustard on hers, and my dad liked ketchup. I took mine straight. Sometimes she would melt a slice of cheese on them. Then when I married F, he wanted ham and cheese both. I still make him ham, egg and cheese sandwiches for his breakfast on occassion.


Eggs coming out of my ears!

Post 18


I like salt and pepper on mine smiley - drool

Now, isn't there a Dutch dish of buttered bread, with slices of ham and then fried or poached eggs (soft yolks) on top? smiley - pirate lived in Holland for a while and he couldn't pronounce it, but called it Alzheimers. It was delicious and I'd forgotten all about it until just now.

smiley - run to re-arrange dinner smiley - drool

smiley - cheers
Fbsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - star

Eggs coming out of my ears!

Post 19


I made some pickled eggs last night smiley - ok using eggs (obviously), white wine vinegar, dill and garlic smiley - drool

They'll be ready in 6 weeks' time, when various bits of the family will be staying with me. So I made 5: enough for one each smiley - smiley

I'll report back about whether I end up in Hyaptia's or Gosho's camp smiley - winkeye

smiley - cheers
Fbsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - star

Eggs coming out of my ears!

Post 20


The ones I really dislike are so hot they take the roof of your mouth off. smiley - steam Not that I like any of them very much.

When foods are so hot that all you taste is the heat, then what's the point? The heat masks the flavors.


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