A Conversation for FANTASY FOOTBALL - Season 10 - "Elevator Going Up"
Secretly Not Here Any More Posted Apr 29, 2004
The Brown I predicted?
Excellent. Top scorer in the whole world ever? Who'd predict them??
GreyDesk Posted Apr 29, 2004
And the match commentary has just gone tits up
Actually it was damn hard to make head or tail of what was going on. The two guys doing it sounded like they were using a mobile phone to relay it back from the Barnet ground. Plus there was loads and loads of crowd noise, including all the 'industrial' comments one normally gets from the terraces
I shall wait for a minute or two longer to see if normal service is resumed. If not, I shall go and do something more useful instead such as going through my overloaded e-mail inbox - a big job that
CONFERENCE LEAGUE - 1st Leg - Results
GreyDesk Posted Apr 29, 2004
As is often the way when you only have a couple of games to predict, some folk have mucked it up entirely whereas others have come through with some pretty tasty points. All that said, Clist's injury time winner for Barnet really delivered the points in this round - 8 folk picked up two points on that one
The Results:
Aldershot Town 1-1 Hereford United (BROWN, D'Sane)
Barnet 2-1 Shrewsbury Town (STREVENS, Rodgers, Clist)
WILD BIRIYANI - 7 points (Aldershot result, scorer & 1st scorer; Barnet result & score)
sprout - 6 points (Aldershot result & score; Barnet result & score)
Master B - 5 points (Aldershot result; Barnet result & score)
Owlatron - 5 points (Aldershot result; Barnet result & score)
Psycorp603 - 5 points (Aldershot scorer & 1st scorer; Barnet result & score)
GreyDesk - 4 points (Aldershot result; Barnet result)
creachy - 3 points (Barnet result & score)
Alfredo Marquez - 2 points (Barnet result)
McKay The Disorganised - 2 points (Aldershot scorer & 1st scorer)
todd_abraham87 - 2 points (Aldershot result)
Ormondroyd - 1 points (Barnet scorer)
Bottletop - 0 points
Egon - 0 points
me[Andy]g - 0 points
Otto Fisch - 0 points
Number Six - Blissfully unaware of anything that is going on around him
So a big round of for WILD BIRIYANI. You are our early season leader
CONFERENCE LEAGUE - 1st Leg - Results
GreyDesk Posted Apr 29, 2004
Abusing him on this thread? Hell, I'm abusing him on ALL the threads hereabouts
And well done Master B. You've made a cracking start to the competition
CONFERENCE LEAGUE - 1st Leg - Results
Secretly Not Here Any More Posted Apr 29, 2004
And finally, after spending season 9 in his shadow, I'd like to say...
Heh, I feel so cool.
CONFERENCE LEAGUE - 1st Leg - Results
Mu Beta Posted Apr 29, 2004
"Ah, I'm sure the useless twat will find out sooner or later"
Egon...have you actually checked your points tally this week?
CONFERENCE LEAGUE - 1st Leg - Results
egon Posted Apr 29, 2004
Look, I didn't say I *wasn't* useless now, did I?
CONFERENCE LEAGUE - 1st Leg - Results
egon Posted Apr 29, 2004
You know, my kettle's actually white? And if my pot was black, it would mean I'd been a bit over-enthusiastic with the lighter
CONFERENCE LEAGUE - 1st Leg - Results
egon Posted Apr 29, 2004
And another thing, I'd have had to have moved onto something stronger than the pot if it had started talking *at all*, never mind inaccurately labelling the kettle as black...
CONFERENCE LEAGUE - 1st Leg - Results
Ormondroyd Posted Apr 29, 2004
I never did like Barnet. Underhill was absolutely the worst Third Division ground I ever visited as a Leyton Orient supporter, which is saying something. And now the
ers have done me out of three points, and presented two points to several other players, with a 90th minute winner.
ing typical.
Ah well. to Luke Rodgers of Shrewsbury Town for saving me from a
CONFERENCE LEAGUE - 1st Leg - Results
egon Posted Apr 29, 2004
It's not what happenbed to me iNS hrewsbury (only been there once,s emed like a dump), it's what happened to Everton in Shrewsbury...
Nigel f*cking Jemson...
CONFERENCE LEAGUE - 1st Leg - Results
Ormondroyd Posted Apr 29, 2004
Incidentally, I notice that there was no Guinan in the Hereford line-up tonight, which thwarted many of our predictions. Very , since the team news on the BBC Football site said that they didn't have any injury problems.
Key: Complain about this post
- 41: Secretly Not Here Any More (Apr 29, 2004)
- 42: GreyDesk (Apr 29, 2004)
- 43: GreyDesk (Apr 29, 2004)
- 44: Secretly Not Here Any More (Apr 29, 2004)
- 45: Mu Beta (Apr 29, 2004)
- 46: Mu Beta (Apr 29, 2004)
- 47: egon (Apr 29, 2004)
- 48: GreyDesk (Apr 29, 2004)
- 49: Secretly Not Here Any More (Apr 29, 2004)
- 50: Mu Beta (Apr 29, 2004)
- 51: egon (Apr 29, 2004)
- 52: Mu Beta (Apr 29, 2004)
- 53: egon (Apr 29, 2004)
- 54: Mu Beta (Apr 29, 2004)
- 55: egon (Apr 29, 2004)
- 56: Ormondroyd (Apr 29, 2004)
- 57: egon (Apr 29, 2004)
- 58: GreyDesk (Apr 29, 2004)
- 59: egon (Apr 29, 2004)
- 60: Ormondroyd (Apr 29, 2004)
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