The Good Life:The TV series (aka Good Neighbours)

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The Good Life

A British made classic sitcom. This is a must see, as it is one of the best TV shows of all time. The episodes were first aired from 1975 to 1978, including two follow up episodes. The series was based around Tom (Richard Briers) and Barbara (Felicity Kendall) Good, who, after years of borign themselves silly in the rat race, broke free, and began a life of self-sufficiency. The only drawback was that they didn't want to leave their friends behind, so they decided to remain in the London suburb called Surbiton.

Throughout the run of the show, they can be seen to raise their livestock whenever they have enough money. They upgrade from just crops to chickens, pigs, a goat and eventually a cow. They cope throughout, regardless of storms, oil, and even neighbours determined to stop them. These neighbours are, however, good friends to them, and the important ones are Margot (Penelope Keith) and Jerry Leadbetter (Paul Eddington). Margot enjoys spending Jerry's money, but fortuantely he's a top executive at JJM, Tom's old firm, which is forever trying to get Tom back on the pay role. 'Sir' is always requesting Jerry to invite 'Time and err.... Phatima' round to dinner, along with taking on any foreign business assossiates in need of a place to stay. Margot is always complaining that her
music society isn't up to her standards, and is always after the lead part.

Despite being tempted on many occasions to stray from the self-sufficient path, be it by 'Sir', by money-earning talents, or by catastrophe after catastrophe, they continued onwards with what was so aptly named "The Good Life".

The Cast

Richard Briers

Richard Briers was born on the 14th of January, 1934 in Merton Surrey, England.

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