A Conversation for Realism: Endemol's Big Brother

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A22210697 - Realism: Endemol's Big Brother

Post 1


Entry: Realism: Endemol's Big Brother - A22210697
Author: robbwindow - U2271089

Please this academic piece is unfinished and has many errors, can you help h2g2.

A22210697 - Realism: Endemol's Big Brother

Post 2


Shame noone replied, however there is an Entry on Big Brother already in the EG. This reads interestingly, perhaps it could be the basis of a different Entry if sent to the Flea Market?

A22210697 - Realism: Endemol's Big Brother

Post 3


I'd be tempted to send it back to entry, personally.

smiley - panda

A22210697 - Realism: Endemol's Big Brother

Post 4


Temptation agreed upon, seconded Back to Entry smiley - smiley

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Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A22210697 - Realism: Endemol's Big Brother

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