Realism: Endemol's Big Brother

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Realism globally differs but the technology remains the same. According to Branston & Stafford (2002), the house rules of one country or any realistic conventions are limited by realistic economic boundaries of lives. From outside looking in the second dimensional view is improved in the Media. Ordinary lives document in some fashion back as far as 9th century from the Arabs who created light rooms as entertainment without any script. Nature being the back drop creating the natural lighting required to exaggerate the importance. In the 18th century Dumfries a similar discovery revealed the first ideas in the Dark room of camera obscura to camera Lucida. The dark and the light of the real world described coherently as transparency. Dover speaks about this window on the world. Technology today consists more of hidden cameras or surveillance video footage focused on ordinary lives creating this three dimensional illusion. HD television again improves our perceptions the developed skills of different angles. Format of music and changing the surround setting all add to the deep focus upon an unscripted reality. The profits made from reducing salaries and creating cheap news.

The term Big Brother seems to have origins from George Orwell’s idea of Big brother watching over society ‘1984’, a book with utopian ideas of control. In the book, society raises issues about relationships and controlling the workers. Holland has been experimenting with integration of people. Amsterdam especially a man made land from sea has the perfect structure for the beginnings of this idea of reality TV.

Based in Hilversum, Holland, Endemol has scripted (comedy and drama) and non-scripted (reality TV and talent shows) programmes and is the originator of the Big Brother show. Big Brother is basically twelve people, who have never met before, live together for approximately 100 days in a fenced-off compound. They are isolated from the outside world. No phones, newspapers, radios or televisions. No contact with loved ones. They’re all alone except for the millions of viewers watching. Housemates are recorded, broadcasted on television and the internet, and even sent through text messages to mobile phones about the evictions. On a regular basis, the participants are required to nominate two or more housemates. By voting, the viewers decide who leave the house. The last participant to leave the house is the winner (Endemol, 2006,

This essay is going to discuss Big Brother in relation to the index put forward by Branston and Stafford. Where-by an audience desire a connection with the real world in a controlled environment (Marx, p117).
Edemol in 2002 has 19 different countries that use the similar idea. Already Big brother is annually creating its man-made lineage of previous contestants. The videos are distributed to universities. A modern consciousness has globally disrupted ‘indexical of place, Media dupes it’s audience’ (et-al Lazarfeld, 1944, Two Step Flow).
Eviction is a way of sorting out the winners. This fear between contestants is played upon and like real life symbolically we all can relate with this concept. We all pay rent or mortgages loom overhead. It’s this realism that this era of disaffected and disempowered young middle class may reach out too. Replacing the dissatisfaction by creating satisfaction that not only keeps the young inside the country, spending money around the country but more importantly creating this addictive healthy option described in ‘Hyperdermic model’ (Chapter6, p148). Or this generation of couch potatoes (I Ang, 1991, p149).
NVLA is a contemporary movement voice that observes and challenges any violence on TV. Other research of political attitudes gives a hint that big brother practically may even be an introduction to democracy in Britain by giving the people a voice following in America’s system of control. Again Holland is populated by many Americans who left due to political past reasoning.
The cognitive therapeutic viewing of bizarre wallpaper Zap Happy Britain votes are cast also by pressing the red-button on there remote control (Inter-active TV) another technological extension of realism that is now being introduced in local constitutional matters.
By paying to vote the audience are far more satisfied compared to the reputations on television: GMTV, Richard & Judy (Cactus TV). Trust in televisions inter-active TV is depleting, virtual horses are continually lucrative but Big Brother makes no claims of profit. Also we are well aware of the profit they make from voting. Reinforcing laws existing about consent of using the home phone if you below the age of 18.
Originally Channel 4 targeted a youthful audience quite late in the evening prior to the Watershed. Due to the Niche market and explosion of viewers the late night viewing was regulated by dubbing the sound out and replacing the sound with birds chirping. A illusive attempt that possibly replaces the real with something close. Endemol suggests that it’s millions of viewers who watch is almost another entrapment, disassociating any one who may not enjoy watching it’s show. Hall speaks about characters with his coded semiotic model of audiences. 1. The dominant, 2. the enthusiast, 3. the oppositional. All three focus on the subject but 3. for me seems a liberal view of thought.
These views are moulded more from ‘Little Brother’(B.B.L.B.) hosted by Dermot O’leary who interviews the stars and the public, ‘Big Mouth’ is hosted by Russell Brand who from Sunday to Friday straight after the show speaks with his audience in London. Also Big Brain hosted by a more psychological profile of body language and profiling, they call it exposing the intelligence. All this info may be found on Channel Fours Celebrity big brother site at :

Outside in Big Brother we see the spa and pool, we see the DJ booth or the races of go-carts, natures bushes and intimidating fences, drain-pipes act as possible escape mechanisms. Inside we usually see women or men talking to women, arguments often take place in the kitchen and outside the diary room. The bedroom and bathroom all seem to be a place of making up or making out, duvet diving and a place of spilt tears. Outside the Big Brother house prior to eviction the cat-walk. A small price of stardom.

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