A Conversation for The Quite Interesting Society

QI - Whistle for a Soprano

Post 41

Mol - on the new tablet

Cops in those days carried walkie-talkie radio type things. So, did he go to the hardware store because his wasn't working properly and he thought it needed new batteries? Perhaps it was whistling ...

Radios makes me think of frequencies, musical notes have frequencies and if a piano was 'acting up' that suggests it was tuned to the wrong frequency *or* that atmospheric conditions (damp perhaps) were affecting the strings and therefore the notes.

But 'tuned to the wrong frequency' brings me back to radios ...

smiley - erm


QI - Whistle for a Soprano

Post 42

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

//he thought it needed new batteries?//

Have a DGI +1, "it" being the operative pronoun.

//Radios makes me think of frequencies, musical notes have frequencies and if a piano was 'acting up' that suggests it was tuned to the wrong frequency //

DGI +1

QI - Whistle for a Soprano

Post 43

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

The QI tent of mystery and intrigue is open for business, I shall mostly be cooking dinner and tidying my flat, but I can mutli-task.

Sure this one has been peculating through your brain and you're just itching to get to the answer? smiley - evilgrin

QI - Whistle for a Soprano

Post 44

Baron Grim

Wait... I'm sure this red herring, but there was a music store in Boulder, Colorado in the late 70's run by one Fred McConnell who's daughter Mindy befriended a stranded alien...


QI - Whistle for a Soprano

Post 45

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Mork and Mindy?

I did consider putting a klaxon on that (set, as it was in Boulder, Colorado) but I decided against it. You escape. Just.

QI - Whistle for a Soprano

Post 46

Mu Beta

Did he, perchance, mistake that very high note for a scream?

Especially in a provincial orchestra.


QI - Whistle for a Soprano

Post 47

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

The high note has something to do with it, but it was not mistaken for a scream. You are still looking for a caper aren't you Mu? Not everything is film noir, y'know? smiley - winkeye

QI - Whistle for a Soprano

Post 48


Was there something about Boston that could lead you to find a group of Bostonians suspicious?


QI - Whistle for a Soprano

Post 49

Mu Beta

I confess.

It was the Marlowe-esque way in which you told the story.


QI - Whistle for a Soprano

Post 50

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

No, I picked the orchestra more or less at random.

QI - Whistle for a Soprano

Post 51

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Thank you, Mu. smiley - smiley Hi Praise indeed. When I told my little tale to the person who clued me into this last week he said "you got all that from this? Wow."

If inside every person is a novel, I suspect mine is a book of riddles called "ha, they'll never figure this out!" smiley - evilgrin

QI - Whistle for a Soprano

Post 52


It sounds like he wants to bring a soprano back to the hardware store.

QI - Whistle for a Soprano

Post 53

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

No, he does not. smiley - erm

QI - Whistle for a Soprano

Post 54


post 42 said he thought it needed new batteries?//

Have a DGI +1, "it" being the operative pronoun.

so something (label it x ) used by an orchestra ran on batteries smiley - huh

How about a tape recorder.

QI - Whistle for a Soprano

Post 55

Mu Beta

Either that, or I've worked out how he made the soprano hit that high note...


QI - Whistle for a Soprano

Post 56


did he phone the hardware store from the foyer?

QI - Whistle for a Soprano

Post 57

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Mol was referring to his walkie Talkie, I was saying it's not the walkie talkie.

Nor is a tape recorder involved, nor (just to help you) was "it" (the thing requiring batteries) used by the orchestra.

QI - Whistle for a Soprano

Post 58

Mu Beta

QI - Whistle for a Soprano

Post 59

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

//I've worked out how he made the soprano hit that high note..//

This ought to be good... smiley - bigeyes

QI - Whistle for a Soprano

Post 60

Mu Beta

Hang on. Was it an orchestra, or a piano used during rehearsal?

I find it unlikely that it could be both.


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