The Witch Forum
Created | Updated Jun 17, 2006

Hi! After searching H2G2 a lot, I noticed there isn't really a place for witches to talk about their beliefs and life in general. So, this is a page for precisely that purpose. If there is a similar page, please let me know so I can link to it or give material to it.
Which Witch?
I hope to add more pages detailing beliefs of different witches and pagans, with personal accounts from witches, druids, pagans, etc. If you want to let people know about your beliefs, please leave a message below!
Why not check out The Witch Directory!
Scintillating Spells
Hopefully we'll be able to make a spell directory to help each other, so anything you want to publish - spells, potions, prayers,
chants - just leave in a message below!

Supportive Spellcasters
It can be frustrating sometimes to be a witch alone. Together we'll be able to help each other, support each other and learn from each other!
About Me
I have been interested in witchcraft for over five years, but only began to take it seriously over the past couple of years. After extensive research, I settled on my own path, a cross between wicca, buddhism and hedge witchcraft. I learn more about it everyday, and more about myself, too. I'd love to hear from anyone who has an interest in witchcraft or alternative religion, from the expeienced to the curious - just leave a message below!
Links and Related Pages
The Witch Directory - another page written by me that has names of witches and pagans on H2G2
The Pagan Page - a fabulous page written by Kaz.
The Order of Goths written by Mort.