A Conversation for The Don't Panic Help Centre

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Post 61


You missed out Jimster of the h2g2 ones. smiley - erm They are not *new* staff (and some of the others are still around anyway). Calling them a new *team* is just trying to disguise that fact. They are still some of the same ones who behaved badly before. There is no reason to believe they have learned to behave any better.

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Post 62

Spelugx the Beige, Wizard, Perl, Thaumatologically Challenged

Not really, SEF. Because the team has been reduced in size, they're now taking on very different roles to their former ones. Natalie and Sam/Jimster haven't really been doing the moderation, community and editorial duties that have been community-facing before.

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Post 63


I don't know about Sam, but you are wrong about Natalie and Jimster.

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Post 64

Spelugx the Beige, Wizard, Perl, Thaumatologically Challenged

Under the previous team, Abi and Mina were the community editors and handled moderation, so I don't see Natalie as having been on the frontline here before smiley - erm.

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Post 65


Natalie was on the end of the line - leading from the rear perhaps.

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Post 66

Spelugx the Beige, Wizard, Perl, Thaumatologically Challenged

It's still a *significant* change of role. From leader to the actual person who does stuff.

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Post 67

I'm not really here

In a way you are both right. Natalie as Producer of the site had the responsibility for the 'Community-type' decisions, but she didn't actually make them (well, some she did, but not on a day-to-day basis), nor carry them out. The team 'members' haven't changed, but the 'team' has in a way because many things are done differently now for a variety of reasons.

The reason the post "so appalling that it was hidden and the poster banned" (which isn't the whole story, so anyone interested might want to talk to someone who is not putting their own spin on it for reasons of their own) was so that the Community could see the reason why the action was taken.

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