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I'm logged in but my space has 'anonymised'!

Post 21


Problem seems to be fixed Hurrah!
Pimms smiley - biggrin

I'm logged in but my space has 'anonymised'!

Post 22


Same thing happened to me, all my ols stuff had vanished. Then I realised I was logging in using the "nick" that the website had automatically given me, which was the one I had registered to use the BBC chatrooms. I signed out, then reregistered using my original H2g2 nickname & password, received the email, clicked the link ..... and BINGO!! All my old garbage was fully restored........ & having read it 'am now not so sure the first option wasnt a better idea .... LOL smiley - winkeye

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I'm logged in but my space has 'anonymised'!

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