A Conversation for The Don't Panic Help Centre

I'm logged in but my space has 'anonymised'!

Post 1

Dorothy (used to be Baby Driver)

I've been a user for over two months, but today, after I posted onto a conversation, I returned to my space - only to find that all my details have been wiped! My nickname is still recognised as Baby Driver, but my page doesn't show my introduction, nor what conversations I've participated in recently. And I'd written some pretty hefty journal entries too.

Hope you can restore me to my full identity!

x x Baby Driver

I'm logged in but my space has 'anonymised'!

Post 2


It's not just you. h2g2 is having some major server problems, it seems. You'll just have to be patient smiley - smiley

smiley - blacksheep

I'm logged in but my space has 'anonymised'!

Post 3


Hiya.. This has happened to me aswell, my existance on h2g2 has completely gone, will everything i.e personal space,conversations return as normal when the problems are sorted?

I'm logged in but my space has 'anonymised'!

Post 4


Hiya.. This has happened to me aswell, my existance on h2g2 has completely gone, will everything i.e personal space,conversations return as normal when the problems are sorted?

I'm logged in but my space has 'anonymised'!

Post 5


Hiya.. This has happened to me aswell, my existance on h2g2 has completely gone, will everything i.e personal space,conversations return as normal when the problems are sorted?

I'm logged in but my space has 'anonymised'!

Post 6

Bald Bloke

Don't Panic

It's Sunday and the server appears to have decided it should have a rest. smiley - sadface

Your page should sort itself out when the server stops acting up

I'm logged in but my space has 'anonymised'!

Post 7


I think everything will return, but I can't say for sure, because I don't really know what's going on now.

Things will get sorted out. smiley - smiley

smiley - blacksheep

I'm logged in but my space has 'anonymised'!

Post 8

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

Probably one of the servers has problems. I only have problems with responsetimes at the moment.

Experience has learned that it will be solved somewhere in the future.

I'm logged in but my space has 'anonymised'!

Post 9

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

Probably one of the servers has problems. I only have problems with responsetimes at the moment.

Experience has learned that it will be solved somewhere in the future.

I'm logged in but my space has 'anonymised'!

Post 10


"Experience has learned"?

smiley - biggrin

I'm logged in but my space has 'anonymised'!

Post 11

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Don't worry we on the X Files messageboard have been putting up with 'problems' since the beginning of the month, it seems the Gremlins have moved up, it's taken me 10 hours to get this far I've had no responce to my login, lost my PS, lost my convos and losing my mind are there Italic's out there to give us an update or are we going to have to wait till tomorrow

I'm logged in but my space has 'anonymised'!

Post 12

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Don't worry we on the X Files messageboard have been putting up with 'problems' since the beginning of the month, it seems the Gremlins have moved up, it's taken me 10 hours to get this far I've had no responce to my login, lost my PS, lost my convos and losing my mind are there Italic's out there to give us an update or are we going to have to wait till tomorrow

I'm logged in but my space has 'anonymised'!

Post 13


Well it *is* Sunday. It is also the summer holiday season. The italics allegedly have days off. smiley - biggrin

When not visible at all, an update on site is somewhat redundant. smiley - erm

If the problem hasn't been fixed by some time tomorrow then it must be a serious one since there are supposed to be some BBCi staff covering the technical side of things at all times. The message boards may be slightly different in that respect since they don't try to operate them at full functionality all day and night.

I'm logged in but my space has 'anonymised'!

Post 14

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Well hootoo is almost independant of Auntie as it's not so heavily moderated as the messageboards and other bits of the beeb, but I use the X Files one quite a bit (a FanFic story of mine is being posted tomorrow if you're interested) and it was having serious probs about 3 weeks ago and the Mods said it was a server prob so it seems the gremlins are on the move, anyway the 'no more message queueing' thing upset a lot of peeps cos we have at least 2 American posters and quite a few from Europe and night workers (me included) who have to wait to post our thoughts, I know this isn't strictly a h2 matter but I hope it clarify's a few things.

I'm logged in but my space has 'anonymised'!

Post 15


We have been experiencing server problems over the last few days. We've made some changes to the database now, so things should be better. Let us know if you are still having problems.

I'm logged in but my space has 'anonymised'!

Post 16


Me too. Just keep saying "I Do Exist, I Really Do" Odd that you can access other people's spaces, just not your own smiley - erm.

Pimms (and a backlog to clear too)

I'm logged in but my space has 'anonymised'!

Post 17


I am. I can't access my personal space. "The page cannot be displayed. Error 501/505."

I seem to be able to get everywhere else (Front Page, Help page, other people's personal spaces, journal entries) and I've tried logging out and in again.

Pimms (I *do* exist(U219930))
(replied on your space too)

I'm logged in but my space has 'anonymised'!

Post 18

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

At least I can post now smiley - laugh and it isn't taking 30 mins to download a page

I can have my "fix"

I couldn't get my page or anything else for a while, almost panicked, mbut went and found a smiley - towel to cry into smiley - laugh

smiley - cheers

I'm logged in but my space has 'anonymised'!

Post 19

BBPC`s emergency back personality

You think you got problems ,I`ve been locked out for two days with the server neither recognising my user name or pass word and have been reduced to sneeking in the back door pretending to be a new researcher hence 241140smiley - cryI will be backsmiley - cat

I'm logged in but my space has 'anonymised'!

Post 20


If you send an email with the details to h2g2.support at bbc.co.uk then someone can investigate for you. We should be able to get you back to your account.

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