A Conversation for The Don't Panic Help Centre


Post 1


Hi Guru's and anyonyone else who might help

I have just checked who is online but my name doesn't appear!

I logged off and back on and used refresh button many times but I'm still not there! This is a disaster! I just don't think I can cope with the stress of it all! smiley - biggrin Shall I just get a smiley - bubbly and wait till H2G2 finds me out there in the ether somewhere or has something more sinister happened?

smiley - ermSTOP PRESS****** Latest news...smiley - magic

I have appeared! smiley - alesmiley - tongueout But Why did it take so long???? Was it that my TV license was being checked? Perhaps I should get one smiley - runeven although I don't have a tv, all I've got is my friends (Lady Lynda at least) on H2g2. Doesn't anyone else wanna post me after all the work I have put in here.smiley - sadface Don't they know I've been on Kilroy and Trisha shows smiley - cheers


Post 2


Has any one else had a claim to fame????


Post 3

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Hi there, i have just had a look to see who is online, it says there are only 32 people on, this is quite a low number considering we have 120,000 plus researchers!

I suspect it may be a blip in the service but i wouldnt know for sure.
If you want to know if someone in particular is online i would suggest going to their page and check any post and see if the 'eyes' appear next to their name. The eyes indicate they are online.

I wasnt on it the other day when i very obviously was online smiley - tongueout

Maybe the Guides battery is running low smiley - winkeye



Post 4

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

BTW, your PS is looking good, i see you have a link mentioned to the pic library.
a tip....

if you use this code it will create a direct access to the page instead of having to have the whole url written out

Picture Library

smiley - ok



Post 5


Thanks Mort I'm getting a lot of blips like the one where you have to log in several times you know like every time you go to another page or when you use the back button.

Other times I power up the PC and I'm already logged in without going to the login page. From the security point of view that does worry me!

Say take a look at my first journal entry which I just made and any comments/suggestions are very helpfull if you have time.smiley - oksmiley - ale

Keithanthonysmiley - laugh


Post 6

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Did you mean the Journal entry?, certainly an idea. (there is a never ending sentence conversation going on somewhere, where you just keep posting bits to the previous post so the sentence actually doesnt come to an end!)

It might be something for the AWW <./>RF5</.> or even mention it in <./>h2g2</.> to get some feedback. For all i know there may be one going on now! but this site is big enough for everybody to develop their ideas and thoughts.

you could create a guide intro with the start of the story and then have a reply conversation thread where the story continue.



Post 7

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

that should have been <./>askh2g2</.>


Post 8


I think if you don't post for a while your eyes stop showing up, even if you are still logged in. Don't remember where I read that though.

smiley - towel JE


Post 9

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

And the "Who's Online" list seems to only refresh every so many minutes -- so if you've just logged on, you don't show up yet. By logging out and re-logging in so many times, you probably made it less likely that you'd show up.

And while over a 100,000 accounts may have been created at h2g2 at one time or another, that is a long way from saying that we have that many *active* researchers, people who show up now and then. Depending on the time of day, having anywhere from 5-40 people show up in the "who's online" is quite normal -- the only times we seem to ger bigger numbers are during peak European times.

smiley - smiley


Post 10

Spelugx the Beige, Wizard, Perl, Thaumatologically Challenged

Looking into my magic crystal ball of statistics, I find that over the past month or so 3882 unique researchers have been caught online. Estimates using slightly unreliable statistics put the active user base at somewhere around 730 to 3900 researchers. I can also confirm that the peaks in the graph are around the peak European times, and it gets really quiet round here about 2am. You also have to remember that a lot of people have multiple accounts and that large areas of the user space have unactivated accounts that were used only once.

spelugx -- there's three 'Great Researcher Counts' hang round somewhere waiting for a search


Post 11


Hi spelugx

" 3882 unique researchers have been caught online ", It would be nice to know how you got that figure, ( just for future reference smiley - winkeye )

Hi Keithanthony smiley - ok

The "Whosonline" refreshes about every 15 minutes, so it will still show you online when you have logged off as well as not show you when you are here

Being logged on when you power up is the work of your cookies and that you have clicked on the "Remember me on this PC button" if you log of and then back on again without clicking that button, that should clear it smiley - ok

manda smiley - peacedove


Post 12


Hi KEITHANTHONY and all the other gurus smiley - hug! Here's my contribution:

>Other times I power up the PC and I'm already logged in without going to the login page. From the security point of view that does worry me!

If you have the "Remember Me" cookie on your computer, it will log you in automatically (you can choose whether you store it or not by ticking the box on the login page) - this is not a security risk per se unless you are not the sole user of your computer, as the cookie resides on your computer (people who don't have access to your computer don't have access to the cookie - think of it as a sort of "house key" for h2g2). Moreover, if your computer uses different passwords for each user, then each user will have their own collection of cookies, and other users won't be able to use yours. (waffle waffle) Hope you understood me there!

~ smiley - towel


Post 13

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

OK. The software does take a while to update the list - it's not as clever as forums software like Invision Board in this way, but I prefer that since I'd rather there wasn't a box on each page that said 'xx researchers are reading this topic: Whoami?, OwlOfDoom, Mina...'. It's not that I'm paranoid or ashamed of what I do, but it means there's a certain art involved in grabbing someone's attention! smiley - smileysmiley - cake


Post 14


It's speedier too, this way!

~ smiley - towel


Post 15


Thanks Mort

I'd seen that bit of code before but couldn't find it again. I hoped someone would fill me in eventually if I just went ahead with the long one.

I meant 'My Journal' INTERNET DEMON v SAINT a Novel (hopefully) about the developing cognition stored within the internet.

There is a continuing debate about God Fact or Fiction which had just started when I first came onstream and now has 5700 postings. See my conversations if interested.

Additional thanks to JE, Mikey, spelugx, Mr Manda (of Coulsdon?), Guru Owlofdoom, Whoami?, OwlOfDoom, Mina(take pride)smiley - biggrin


Post 16

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Very helpful lot around here smiley - ok

Apart from me, today as i got woken up at 1pm by the phone and since i went to bed at 8am, i am none to impressed that the person didnt leave an ansaphone message smiley - grr cheek of it. Feel the need to visit P.U.D.D.I.N.G. ...smiley - winkeye



Post 17


>Additional thanks to JE, Mikey, spelugx, Mr Manda (of Coulsdon?), Guru Owlofdoom, Whoami?, OwlOfDoom, Mina(take pride)biggrin

Wow, thanks for thanking me twice!

~ smiley - towel

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