A Conversation for The Don't Panic Help Centre

Help! Someone's changed the locks!

Post 1

Researcher 219774

I know it says I'm "researcher 219774", but I had to create a new user so that I can convey a big problem. My name is actually Hotblack Desiato, researcher U178747, and writer of a few entries including one ("The Art of Rapping") that is well on its way towards getting into the Edited Guide. So why don't I exist???!!!

In attempting to log in today, I was told my password and/or sign-in name were incorrect. I tried many more times, and I even tried to get a new password by clicking the "forgotten password" link - it didn't recognise my number or my login name, and I know the e-mail address was right because I've received e-mails from H2G2 many a time. What's going on? Please help me! I want my identity back!

Researcher U178747
Hotblack Desiato smiley - cool
Thom Smith

Help! Someone's changed the locks!

Post 2

Hotblack Desiato

Um... well, I'm back. I don't know what went wrong, I don't know what then got right again, but straight after I posted that last thing about not being able to log in, I managed to log in. Boy, is my face red. I could swear I did nothing different, but never mind, no harm done. Right?

But since I'm here... this whole conversation could now be wiped, except I don't know how - a little help here? And is it possible for me to get rid of my temporary alter-ego?

Much obliged.

Yours sheepishly,
Hotblack Desiato (back from the dead?) smiley - cool

Help! Someone's changed the locks!

Post 3

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Hi Hotblack

Your postings in this thread don't contravene House Rules so they won't be wiped. You can unsubscribe from the conversation - as will I - and it will soon disappear from sight.

smiley - smiley

Amy smiley - ant

Help! Someone's changed the locks!

Post 4


Many other people have had the same problem, including me! The login page alone failed about an hour ago. smiley - ok

The editors would be very reluctant to delete this thread and there's also no need to do so. The alter ego can't be deleted - if you don't log in using it, it can become one of the thousands of ignored U-numbers that are never used!

RhoMuNuQ {Ace, Guru} smiley - smiley

Help! Someone's changed the locks!

Post 5


smiley - laugh We're simulposting again, Amy! smiley - biggrin


Help! Someone's changed the locks!

Post 6


I think this is the same thing which happens quite a lot. One or more of the BBC servers temporarily lose touch with reality (or the database of login identities). Sometimes, like this time, people who are already logged in get to stay in while no-one else can get in. Other times even the current residents get thrown out.

It either fixes itself or someone kicks it (I want a web-cam into the server room to find out!). A conversation usually takes place on Yahoo about it when it happens and this time was no exception. So such conversations, the inability of a member of staff to login, non-determinism or something as yet unthought may be the trigger for the reboot event. Religions have been built on less. smiley - winkeye

I don't think it is possible to remove your alter-ego if it got saved in the database. Why not find a use for it instead. Start a new club/society by changing the details into a group login. Take the opportunity to spend a year dead as yourself for tax reasons.

Help! Someone's changed the locks!

Post 7


Oh no! Me too! I claim I started first but I'm slower with all the previewing etc. smiley - biggrin

Help! Someone's changed the locks!

Post 8


smiley - laugh

I'm glad they all agreed! smiley - winkeye


Help! Someone's changed the locks!

Post 9

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

The same thing happened to me about this time (20 hours ago), i.e., about 11.30 am NZ time, as happened to ...Hotblack Desiato? I was about to create a new identity and would have if I had had time (I had to get ready to go to a lecture...) I though the problem was me or the public library computer I was using (the librarian certainly thought it was their fault.) I have been sad all night about it. smiley - wah PLease assure me it isn't me! Will it happen again? Help! smiley - cat

Help! Someone's changed the locks!

Post 10


It wasn't a problem with the library computer or your fault -- many other people had the same problem logging in! It's the first time it's happened recently, as far as I know, and so isn't likely to happen again. smiley - smiley


Help! Someone's changed the locks!

Post 11

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

smiley - biggrin Whew, what a blessed relief. Thanks!

Help! Someone's changed the locks!

Post 12


No problem! smiley - smiley


Help! Someone's changed the locks!

Post 13

Hotblack Desiato

Ah, so... everything just went bonkers then? That's a relief. I thought it was me... smiley - erm

Thanks for your help! smiley - cool

Help! Someone's changed the locks!

Post 14


No problem! smiley - smiley

Apparently, the problem was just for logging in -- if you were already logged in, you had no problems at all.


Help! Someone's changed the locks!

Post 15


I tend to be largely immune to these outages as I have cookies on all the browsers I use for h2g2 on a regular basis smiley - smiley

However, creating a new identity on the basis of a login problem that hasn't already lasted more than a day or so is probably not a particularly good idea, because these things do happen from time to time and if it gets fixed the next day you end up with a useless user account.

Although I'm not quite sure why you could create a new account when the login wasn't working, that doesn't really make much sense - both processes need to talk to the BBC user database servers, and that's usually where the problem with that kind of thing is - either that or the entire database has gone walkies.

Help! Someone's changed the locks!

Post 16


I was guessing that the new login was created as the database was coming back online - ie a bit more patience and another attempt at using the original login would have worked.

Help! Someone's changed the locks!

Post 17


Either that or something REALLY weird was going on.

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