A Conversation for Entry replaced

Small world!

Post 1

Sultandude(Lover of Princess Toy of the 1000 Kisses)-Keeper of Go-Go Bars-aka Kabuki Man

Yo people!
h2g2 is a great concept. The famous trilogy? gave me hours of enjoyment and inspiration. Keep on keepin'on!

This message comes to you from the heart of the West African equatorial rain forest, it truly is a small world.

Small world!

Post 2


Hey Sultandude - glad you like the site. Where abouts in West Africa are you?

Small world!

Post 3

Researcher 153866

Hi there...

The concept is great, but i am not shure if it is really working.
Where is the babelfish ?

mfg frodo

Small world!

Post 4


We are working on ideas for translation and preseting h2g2 in different languages at the moment. So watch this space. smiley - smiley

Small world!

Post 5

Mark Moxon

You can also access the Babelfish on the On the Move service, via phone.com mobile phones. It's pretty cool. smiley - smiley

Small world!

Post 6


Damn I need to get me a webbed up phone! But think I'm waiting for the next G ones to come out.. I'm guessing WAP counts as 2G, so 3G just round the corner?? or a few years down the corner??

btw, I'm impressed with the site! Got hooked on HHGTTG when I watched the BBC shows as kid, now I have the videos and can soothe my final year angst with a few flashes of pink 'Don't Panic'

Hmmm... my question for h2g2-ers.. How do you spell soothe/sooth.. I'm having one of those "That doesn't look right" blocks!

Small world!

Post 7

Sultandude(Lover of Princess Toy of the 1000 Kisses)-Keeper of Go-Go Bars-aka Kabuki Man

Sorry to take so long answering, have been partying with some froods in Thailand. Party's over and am back in the middle of the rainforest in Gabon, West Africa. Saw two antelopes yesterday a baby and a fully grown one, absolutely amazing! Have nearly gotten over my hangover! Duty calls, must dash.

Party on!

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