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Acid's Rebellion

I know it isn't well written yet, I'll get to that later...

Starting at Dr. Anthea's "Illness".

Unfortunately I don't quite know how it started so I might need some help. I had only just joined, see.


It started when Anthea contracted some mysterious illness in her mind.
That's all I can say about how it started so someone'll have to fill me in.

Anyway, a bunch of people (Acid, Wonko, and AK, later joined by...?) decided to go see what was wrong, my exploring inside of Dr. Anthea's Mind.

Events, in timeline-format

October 28th-29th

Oct.28th-The first people arrive inside of Anthea's head to investigate. These include Acid and AK by the end of the day.

The first thing that happened was... a cat walking by. All that happened for a while was the group splitting up: AK followed the cat, and Acid went to Anthea's memory.

Oct. 29th- Acid arrived at the memory, and Wonko arrived to the thread. Later, the cat promptly died in a squirt of green stuff, to AK's surprise, and another one takes its place. In the memory chamber, Acid figured out that if he gives a piece of paper to a memory imp, whatever is written on it will be brought to him or carried out in some way, or just filed. He then proceeded to secretly file a paper in Anthea's memory that states "obey Acid," something that the other people there did not discover until much, much later.

There is no need to tell what else happened in her mind for a while.

3 weeks ago-1 week ago, don't know the exact dates yet

The Caves
Some time later, Wonko started a thread off of the Forest, which involved three caves.
There was much wandering around and pretending to find stuff, but nothing relates to Acid until he arrives at the thread, at post 170, carrying a grenade, a skull-printout, disturbing the force, and promptly went through a secret door that no one else had seen. Acid then called for "help" from Wonko, and sliced a piece of his arm off with his lightsaber.1 After Wonko didn't come, he called again, and apparently to his disappointment Anthea arrived. Somehow, he then transferred the wound on his arm to Anthea's arm, and started speaking about gaining power, something that obviously involves the dark side of the force. They began to duel...

Wonko, in the room he is in, spotted a rock that appeared to be beginning to bleed. He also noticed that whenever Anthea moved, the stone pulsed.

After AK walked into the room, and a few posts of lightsaber dueling, Acid waved his hand, put a glazed look on Anthea's face, and fled. But starting then, she would only obey his orders, and his final order was to prevent anyone from following him. Wonko discovered that if he stabbed the bloody stone it would release her from his control for a second, but it wasn't permanent by any means. He ran by Anthea, and she attacked him with her lightsaber, but shortly realized who she was attacking. And mysteriously, the rock stopped bleeding for a while.

Wiro arrived, later, and Wonko went running after Acid down the hallway. All ethereal, they went after Acid through a wall. Mindbits arrived next, and came along with them. Acid told Anthea next to pull the rest of the people following him out of the Ethereal Plane once they reached the lava that was apparently ahead, via forcespeak. AK ran ahead, and saw the lava, and came back to ask Anthea what the light ahead was, knowing she could tell. If she said it was not lava then everyone would know that she was under Acid's control again, and she said it was a room... she was...
Mindbits ran back to the hallway in the caves, and stabbed the bloody rock again,... to be continued when my internet works better...

1Apparently, he had been learning about the force for the last month, during which he had barely been on h2g2.

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