A Conversation for 20 Childraising rules

Rule 22 ?

Post 1


Always answer ALL their questions to the best of your ability........(Well it sounds a good idea at the moment smiley - smiley
BCNU - Crescent

Rule 22 ?

Post 2

Is mise Duncan

22a) Do whatever you are doing with them - even if its filling out your tax returns.

22b) Smile when in their company if at all possible - mind you that applies whether there's children around or not.

Rule 22 ?

Post 3

Wand'rin star

Think I qualify on all those.(If you don't know the answer to a question, say so - it saves a lot of trouble in the long run)
23c) Say "yes" at least three times more often than you say "no". Life is much more fun if you agree and then try to find ways to implement the agreement. If you refuse and then have to find reasons for the refusal,it's not nearly as good.

And another that should have occurred to me earlier

Post 4

Wand'rin star

Buy them a computer, or let them play with yours when they are very young.Like pre-pre-school.You will get helpand they will be able to earn (a lot of) money. This applies to other technology. Oh, and when they're a bit older, buy them a decent football or you'll never hear the end of it. That you are living a couple of hundred miles away from the nearest toyshop/sports shop will not excuse this deriliction

And another that should have occurred to me earlier

Post 5

Is mise Duncan

You will be pleased to know that I bought myself a football as preparation for this AIG tournament.
Probably more worryingly I bought 2 pairs of boots and a IR£50 pair of goaldkeeping gloves - definitely ideas above my station smiley - winkeye

And another that should have occurred to me earlier

Post 6

Is mise Duncan

Since that last post I have probably spend about €300 on goalkeeping gloves - I'm not getting any better, but I am getting better equiped smiley - smiley

And another that should have occurred to me earlier

Post 7

Wand'rin star

Spelling hasn't improved in 5 years either has it? Or was that an example of your ruse to get me back?

And another that should have occurred to me earlier

Post 8

Is mise Duncan

pfft - you'd never fall for that smiley - tongueout

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