A Conversation for The never ending Edit...
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Come one, come all...
Anonymouse Posted Dec 13, 1999
TVF hit right on the reason I suggested an interview. If it's all settled now, then pardon my repeat intrusion, but if Veggie really wants an article, perhaps the paper could just introduce it as "We asked Frink to give us the juicy details" or somesuch?
*slinks off to corner*
Come one, come all...
shazzPRME Posted Dec 13, 1999
OK...TVF!! Listen up! You write a synposis/article....just all the basic info which you think appropriate.Try to categorise it...imagine
you had been asked a question...and I will format it as a Q & A scenari Failing that.....let me know if you would prefer me to
formulate some questions for you...I will email you and then you type
in the answers!We want a big super edition of the post this coming week....and we need to be able to feature one of the best drinking
forums in the site....if not the world!!
Come one, come all...
Icarus Posted Dec 13, 1999
Can I PR myself and write an article on I.C.A.R.U.S.?
Come one, come all...
The Ghost Of TV's Frink Posted Dec 14, 1999
Thanks Shazz
Can I beg you to send me the questions? This week is going to be terrible - I'll have a few hours on-line between tonight and Tuesday, then most likely I'll be off h2g2 until late Sunday. I don't know that I'll be able to get you back anything before the next POST hits the stands, but I can try. If not, I'm sure there would be room in the following issue? I believe you have my email address from the aces or the mayor of london voting, but if you've lost it let me know and I'll resend it to you.
I think you'll be able to come up with better questions anyway
Thanks again!
Come one, come all...
shazzPRME Posted Dec 14, 1999
OK TVF I will sort out the questions and get them over to you asap
In this instance....don't worry if you can't get them back to me until Saturday...after all,it will be half edited anyway.....just send it straight back to my email so I can get to work on it straight away
Your comrade in arms/beers
Come one, come all...
vegiman:-) Posted Dec 15, 1999
Hi Icarus - Sorry your Posting got missed - We welcome all articles and would consider anything you have to offer - In the Main we are a newspaper so if your artcle is about h2g2 or world news, it will have a better chance of being accepted. There are 15 PR's at the mo, and are looking for PE's at this time. - POSTeditors - These are/will be our Official Reporters and will also be our Proof readers for articles.
If you can write an article about why you chose your nickname, then it would be OK to include some details of Icarus - Perhaps you could contact other researchers in the future and ask why they chose their names.
This way it could be a regular feature.
Come one, come all...
cafram - in the states. Posted Dec 16, 1999
Umm, excuse me, great PR people, but despite the fact I don't particilarily like putting myself forward for anything (which is kinda what I'm doing now), is there anything that I could do?
I understand that you've probably got everything covered right now, but if in the future you need anything done, I'd be more than happy to do it!
Come one, come all...
shazzPRME Posted Dec 16, 1999
Hi Cafram Please email me with any ideas which you may have.We are basically looking for CONTRIBUTORS to the Post now....we have enough
team members to keep us mulling along nicely...too many and it becomes difficult to manage!We DO,however,need IDEAS,ARTICLES,STORIES,and anything h2g2 related
Do not worry if you don't think that you can "write"...you will be
pleasantly surprised at how just starting an article can capture the
imagination.Have you visited any good sites recently....whether they were "serious" ...for "drinking"..."socialising"...or inviting you to join something? Have you met another researcher on the site who intrigues you? Would you like them interviewed...or just go ahead and conduct an interview them yourself (please make sure that they know that you intend publishing it though!) If so,start writing Do not worry too much with regards to the spelling,use of grammer etc....our team of editors will check that everything is in order before publishing...and you will recieve a draft copy back, so that you can "vet" it and make sure that we haven't ruined it for you!We will also inform you as to when you can expect your article to appear....yes...it will be YOUR article.
You can find my email address on my homepage.....or just pop your suggestions in the handy postbox linked to the front page of the Post.
I hope that this has answered your questions....and thank you for your interest.
Key: Complain about this post
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Come one, come all...
- 21: Anonymouse (Dec 13, 1999)
- 22: shazzPRME (Dec 13, 1999)
- 23: Icarus (Dec 13, 1999)
- 24: The Ghost Of TV's Frink (Dec 14, 1999)
- 25: shazzPRME (Dec 14, 1999)
- 26: The Ghost Of TV's Frink (Dec 15, 1999)
- 27: vegiman:-) (Dec 15, 1999)
- 28: cafram - in the states. (Dec 16, 1999)
- 29: Researcher 99947 (Dec 16, 1999)
- 30: shazzPRME (Dec 16, 1999)
- 31: cafram - in the states. (Dec 18, 1999)
- 32: shazzPRME (Dec 18, 1999)
- 33: cafram - in the states. (Dec 18, 1999)
- 34: shazzPRME (Dec 18, 1999)
- 35: alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste) (Feb 4, 2000)
- 36: alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste) (Feb 4, 2000)
- 37: Anonymouse (Feb 5, 2000)
- 38: alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste) (Feb 5, 2000)
- 39: shazzPRME (Feb 6, 2000)
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