Postal Communications to the Americas
Created | Updated Dec 19, 2003

A friend of mine endeavoured to send a package to the Americas with the Royal Mail only to find that the last date for posting, that the afore mentioned institution will guarantee delivery before Christmas is in October??!!!!!!!!!! (snail mail?). Please note reader Air Mail was not available as the Wright Bros couldn't be found. So what happens to our communications, well just maybe it's something like this.
I imagine a trainer shod postal worker heading off from the sorting office, as fast as his legs will carry him, striding forth like an Olympic torch bearer across the metropolis. Through royal parks, crossing bustling streets and dodging crowds heading ever south-west towards his 'Grail and goal' the fabled port of Southampton.
During his journey the art of 'Zen' hitchhiking is employed (thanks DNA) this involves 'thumbing a lift', getting in the first vehicle that stops, regardless of its destination, with the sure fire knowledge that if you 'hitch' enough lifts you will get where you want to go at some point in time. Many rides and a few motorway services later, our intrepid hero arrives at the said port.
After transferring letters and parcel to his boat, (please note not a ship), checking provisions, (two months supply of salt biscuits and a fishing rod), and the weather forecast for costal waters i.e. licking
digit and holding in the air, he casts off rowing like the clappers towing a barge of letters parcels bound for the Americas. I find this a joke, we can allegedly send a man to the moon, split the atom, but can't get a letter or parcel to the US in under two months... Do you think that the Royal mail still holds losing the American War of Independence against anyone wishing to communicate with that part of the world?
I think it would be easier to transfer the money for a gift and let the person buy something themselves, and money transfer, well that's another story.