A Conversation for The Wandering Albatross

Albatross Memories

Post 1


It is strange how some things stick in your mind and others don't - or perhaps it's an age thing?! One of my strongest memories from school days was learning The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. It has stuck in my mind for years (more than I care to mention!) and to read it again on John Ridgway's site was a thrill.

I had already contributed to the Save the Albatross Petition, and read the speech made by Prince Charles on the subject of the plight of the Albatrosses. I also get the Falkland Island Newsletter, so following John seemed natural. I had read about his rowing trip with Chay Blyth in 1966, and folloowed the last BT Global Challenge Round the World Yacht Race, which event was started by Chay Blyth, so I had more than an idea what they were facing.

I wish them well in their endeavours, and look forward to the next leg, to the Falklands.

Websailor smiley - biggrin

Albatross Memories

Post 2

WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean.

Hi Websailer,

Many moons ago I used to see the occasional Albatross as we made our way down the Atlantic to Cape Good Hope. What magnifisant creatures. I suppose that started a life long interest in birds. I support a good range of songbirds all year round. Real stress relieving therapy. I have followed John Ridgway's voyage all year and wonder how we keep the pressure on when the voyage is done and the petition presented. One thing is for sure; mankind cannot afford to loose something as valuable as the Albatross.

By the way what's happening to the Log?

Travel hopefully...
Wandering Albatross smiley - peacedove

Albatross Memories

Post 3

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit searching some backup
"Perhaps someone thinks it is not appropriate to publish the satellite phone number?

Anyway mostly it will return in a couple of hours (though it is rare for a front page published page)"

Albatross Memories

Post 4


Hi, Wandering Albatross,

Nice to hear from you. I suspect the Log was moderated because it mentioned the "shippy" that John is moored next to. With security worries as they are perhaps they needed to check. Either that or John said something which caused concern and it has been removed. I am sure he never says all that he really thinks smiley - smiley

I am hoping to phone him tomorrow and let him know that there are lots of people following his Log, who are delighted that he is back in "blighty" safely. He is moored up near Tower Bridge ready to go under tomorrow at 11am.

I shall be listening to Radio 4 all day, as he said he had an interview with them, but not which programme - unless it's Today or the News.

I have also been wondering how to keep to the pressure up, but lets hope the visit to Rome and the Petition does the trick. Mind, getting laws in place, and actually seeing them enforced is another matter, especially in such remote areas.

smiley - dragon

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