A Conversation for Driving In New Jersey

driving in new jersey

Post 1


well done! having done quite a lot of driving in new jersey, this is a pretty good summation of the whole gestalt experience.

however, i did take notice that no mention of the dreaded circles (or circuses for those across the pond...hmmm, come to think of it, it does resemble a circus, complete with clowns and animal acts) was made.

visitors to certain parts of new jersey, up until very recently, would have found it almost impossible to avoid ending up trapped going round and round circle after circle, hoping to avoid being killed by the motorists described already who are careening madly about with little regard to where they are in relation to other cars. imagine being in your car whilst riding one of those tilt-a-whirl thingys and trying to find the correct exit for one of several major highways. the cars behind you are generally making every effort to climb over you or perhaps sideswipe you, both if possible. there is no more exhilirating experience than escaping unharmed from a traffic circle onto the correct exit. you get extra points if you actually found the right highway and ended up in the right direction on it.

sadly, the adrenaline rush of this experience has recently been curtailed as many of the traffic circles have been removed recently. some new jersey drivers still can't get used to driving in a straight line. drivers' educations classes had to be altered and some are habitually trapped making endless u-turns just so they can recognize the roads.

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driving in new jersey

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