Talking Point: Bad Food

36 Conversations

If you've ever seen a prawn alive and kicking with its legs and antennae still attached, it might well cross your mind to ponder which sick individual first thought 'Hmm, that might make a nice curry'. Culinary delights differ from country to country. What might be an expensive treat to some people might seem like the most god-awful idea to others. Often it's nicer not to prepare the innocent first-timer and just tell them it's chicken they're enjoying rather than, say, python steak.

All that of course depends on whether or not you actually make a conscious decision to be adventurous. Sometimes, nature has a horrible way of introducing things to your diet you never wanted to try. Can we say 'half a maggot in an apple'?

So, this Talking Point encourages you to share your most disturbing food nightmares:

  • What's the worst thing you've ever eaten (or half-eaten), either accidentally or from a foreign menu?

  • Were you aware of what you were eating at the time? If so, did you spit or swallow?

  • What is the nastiest-sounding foodstuff you've ever eaten, only to discover it was actually nice?

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