A Conversation for The Café

Aroma Café - decisions, decisions..

Post 1021

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available


Aroma Café - decisions, decisions..

Post 1022

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

Whoops. That was the sound of my computer freezing and then suddenly springing back to life after I had hit a few keys and clicked the mouse randomly.

/* Helps himself to some */

Mmmm. Thanks.

Well, as expected, schools are closed today in celebration of the first snowfall even though the roads are clear.

smiley - reindeer

Aroma Café - decisions, decisions..

Post 1023

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

What kind of heaven do you live in, that closes schools for 3 inches of snow?smiley - bigeyes Does one get to skip w**k too?

Aroma Café - decisions, decisions..

Post 1024


There's no snow where I live, and the oranges on my trees are just about ripe and sweet. I miss the change of seasons, but not THAT much. Anyway, I'm up to my neck in work, so I must wander back to RL. See you all soon!

Aroma Café - decisions, decisions..

Post 1025

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

(of course I meant smiley - choc)

This part of heaven is called "New Jersey, USA." And no, we still have to go to work (where I am now). For some inexplicable reason everyone panics at the first snowfall, no matter how light. By the end of Winter 3 inches will not qualify for school closings.

I can understand it in a place further south like Georgia which almost never gets snow (they just got 3 inches too) so they don't have snow plows or shovels or any experience coping. I think New Jerseyians are just looking for a reason to stay home.

Aroma Café - decisions, decisions..

Post 1026

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

Bye ox! *waves*

Well, that's understandable, isn't it? How much snow do you usually get?

Aroma Café - decisions, decisions..

Post 1027

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

*folds portable lab back into suitcase, empties smiley - coffee, puts mug back on shelf*

Righ-i-o! I'm off, workday finally coming to an end!smiley - biggrin



Aroma Café - decisions, decisions..

Post 1028

Titania (gone for lunch)

*the image of Titania finally materializing again*

Phew! What on earth was that? I was completely unable to load this conversation when I meant to leave (going home RL)...???smiley - sadface

Anyone still around?

IIEM, a Lazy Cat, please!

Aroma Café - decisions, decisions..

Post 1029


Good morning, fine memories of yesterday. IIEM, espresso, please.
*puts some smiley - cake on the table hoping anybody will join her in the early breakfast*

Aroma Café - decisions, decisions..

Post 1030

JAR (happy to be back, but where's Ping?)

smiley - cake? Yes please.. Good morning Hatifnat! smiley - smiley How are you this morning?

Aroma Café - decisions, decisions..

Post 1031

Feffi (Keeper of playground sunbaths on even days)

Good morning Hatifnat,

did you mention anything about breakfast and smiley - cake?

IIEM, smiley - coffee and smiley - oj for me please.

Aroma Café - decisions, decisions..

Post 1032


Hi, guys.
smiley - cake for you, Jar.
smiley - cake for you, Feffi.
Enough smiley - cake makes this dull day shorter, I hope. Right now I'm celebrating the apex of my totally streaming cold.

Aroma Café - decisions, decisions..

Post 1033

Feffi (Keeper of playground sunbaths on even days)

Thanks Hatifnat, that's great!

*starts with smiley - cake*

Morning JAR, how are you?

Btw. did you both realize that it's the shortest day today, that means they will be getting longer again smiley - smiley

This smiley - cake is smiley - magic Hatifnat!

Aroma Café - decisions, decisions..

Post 1034

JAR (happy to be back, but where's Ping?)

Morning Feffi! *eats more smiley - cake* Winter solstice now? *smacks forehead* That explains a few things... I'm fine thanks, contrary to how I thouht I would feel when I went to bed five hours ago....smiley - hangover was more like it.

Delicious cake! IIEM, could I have a cup of latte to go with that?

Aroma Café - decisions, decisions..

Post 1035

Feffi (Keeper of playground sunbaths on even days)

*thinks to herself: I knew he would take the Bergfest idea as an excuse to overdo it again*

smiley - winkeye

Aroma Café - decisions, decisions..

Post 1036

JAR (happy to be back, but where's Ping?)

It wasn't my fault! It was my (Evil) stepmothersmiley - witch... She decided that we should all celebrate some Hanoukka-style thingy...only none of us are jewish...It got late, 'cause she knows how to throw a party despite her despotic tendecies...

Aroma Café - decisions, decisions..

Post 1037

Feffi (Keeper of playground sunbaths on even days)

Poor you, if it's like that... smiley - winkeye

Aroma Café - decisions, decisions..

Post 1038

JAR (happy to be back, but where's Ping?)

Nah, no need for pity, as I started out, I'm actually doing rather fine.. I just didn't think I would when I went to bed....

How are your experiments going?

Aroma Café - decisions, decisions..

Post 1039

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available


Morn' folks! smiley - smiley

*does the usual routine, i.e., sets up the lab, orders coffee from the IIEM, takes a cigarette (inside the VPB, of course). All this will from this day forward only be referred to as "*does his mornin' routine*" or just "*mornin' routine*", depending on the mood I'm in*

So, how's everybody? ooooo, smiley - cake! May I?
I was out last night, with the potential of it getting too late. But I took some precautionary measures... (that is, I drove)

Aroma Café - decisions, decisions..

Post 1040

JAR (happy to be back, but where's Ping?)

Morn' One-Eye! smiley - smiley Your very own morning routine.. now that's a step up! smiley - winkeye

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