A Conversation for The Café

The Café: Winter-blues longing for Spring

Post 21



I wouldn't dare to show myself to any smiley - doctor right now. Exept my shrink. She can always comfort me saying I tend to exaggerate. smiley - winkeye

The Café: Winter-blues longing for Spring

Post 22

Titania (gone for lunch)

Thank you!smiley - smiley But I bet you get lots of exercise just getting water and wood, don't you?

Oh, by the way - the h2g2 2003 Male Nude Calendar is out now: A949539smiley - winkeye

The Café: Winter-blues longing for Spring

Post 23


Yes, and don't forget shoveling. smiley - winkeye This is the issue of the day. smiley - tongueout

*smiley - run to check the calendar*

The Café: Winter-blues longing for Spring

Post 24

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Mog] I get plenty of excersize, no matter HOW you spell it. There's a half-mile walk from the bus stop to the house.

The Café: Winter-blues longing for Spring

Post 25


Oh dear! Don't wreck yourself. Do you usually smiley - run the way? smiley - winkeye

The Café: Winter-blues longing for Spring

Post 26

Miranda (Make tea! Yes, Cissdur, it's still me)

Nice calendar! I especially liked the big red throbbing thing...smiley - winkeye

The Café: Winter-blues longing for Spring

Post 27


I avoid all shrinks on principal. They were the scariest health professional I ever met in the days when I was a health professional.

The calendar is cool and shall be requesting a special blow-up of Bob the Farmer as he is gorgeous.

Blast, he is younger than No1 son smiley - erm

The Café: Winter-blues longing for Spring

Post 28

Titania (gone for lunch)

IIEM, a café mélange, please!

What's wrong with a young(er) man, Caer? It's amazing how many people that still frown on a woman if she's together with a younger man, while the opposite is quite common and more or less accepted, unless the age difference is huuuuuuuge (think Ann Nicole)

The Café: Winter-blues longing for Spring

Post 29


I am married to a younger man, but only by 3.5 years smiley - winkeye

Bob the Farmer is even more lovely in the flesh smiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeye

I think it is a hot smiley - choc kind of day today. A large one please IIEM, plenty of whipped cream and smiley - choc sprinkles. Some marshmallows too, if there are some.

The Café: Winter-blues longing for Spring

Post 30


IIEM, Mog's Usual for me again.

One day I'll sleep the whole 24 hours. When I am retired or so... smiley - erm

The Café: Winter-blues longing for Spring

Post 31


smiley - laugh Lovely calendar! smiley - biggrin
And oh yeah, Bob the Farmer is a very hansom young man...

I think it's a good thing that you are seeing a shrink Hati. Though some of them may be smiley - weird you can be lucky and actually get help for your problem, like I did.

How are your eating-habits these days? It could be things in your diet that's making you so tired. Too much sugar and starches sure knocks me out. Just a thought...

The Café: Winter-blues longing for Spring

Post 32

Titania (gone for lunch)

IIEM, an after-lunch smiley - cappuccino please!

Does anyone know what keeps Bluebottle busy these days? I haven't had a decent cup of smiley - tea for ages...

Bee - are you still on that low-carbo diet?

The Café: Winter-blues longing for Spring

Post 33


Yepp. And I'm doing fine. smiley - biggrin No SAD, no mood-swings. I've come to the conclusion that this is the way I'm going to eat the rest of my life.
And it's not that difficult like some people wants it to be....smiley - winkeye

The Café: Winter-blues longing for Spring

Post 34


I am eating mostly smiley - choc and carrots. And loads of all kind of pills and such - vitamines, minerals besides all the rest. All that they found missing in my blood. smiley - winkeye Like iron and calcium. There is really not much left for "normal" food. Not that I like eating anyway, not this year...

The Café: Winter-blues longing for Spring

Post 35


Carrots and chocolate, no wonder you're not feeling well...tsk tsk

smiley - winkeye

The Café: Winter-blues longing for Spring

Post 36


Do you think smiley - ale and smiley - crisps would be better?
smiley - winkeye

The Café: Winter-blues longing for Spring

Post 37


Mmm, no. Not really. In an ideal world perhaps.... smiley - tongueout

The Café: Winter-blues longing for Spring

Post 38

Miranda (Make tea! Yes, Cissdur, it's still me)

Well, carrots are healthy and chocolate is good, so that can't be so bad, can it? smiley - winkeye Vitamin pills, on the other hand, are sad things...

The Café: Winter-blues longing for Spring

Post 39


Are they? Well, at least they keep me going. My own resources are all gone, the winter has been to long and too sad and too lonely.

The Café: Winter-blues longing for Spring

Post 40

Miranda (Make tea! Yes, Cissdur, it's still me)

Poor little hatifnat!smiley - hug By any means, eat as many vitamins as you like! I just meant that I like them better when they come in food - rather than pills... Personally, I think that vitamins that come in real food are even better for you than the ones you buy in glasses! On the other hand, maybe that's just my excuse for not taking them...smiley - winkeye

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