A Conversation for The Café

The Aromatic Café

Post 21


Scythe is easy to pronounce but not so easy to use as I recall. I hurt myself with it once .
Well, not so badly.

Bumble: L is L, O is O but what do you do with the J in there?

The Aromatic Café

Post 22


The J is there to get your toungue in a tangle smiley - tongueout
L as in Lion, J as in Yoghurt, Å as in AwkwArd. Ljå. Easy, eh! smiley - biggrin

The Aromatic Café

Post 23


smiley - smiley
Just a little tongue-rolling. These sounds could be quite common in my language, you know.
Have some smiley - cake to put your tongue in order again.

The Aromatic Café

Post 24


I talked to a girl from Latvia once. I never managed to pronounce her name. I can't remember it now, only that it meant 'Happiness'
or something in that direction..
smiley - cakesmiley - smiley

The Aromatic Café

Post 25

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

Nice...smiley - smiley I think I'd like to meet a girl named "happiness"...
Anyhoo, I'm going home! See y'all tomorrow!


The Aromatic Café

Post 26


Latvian can twist my tongue too. There are too much consonantes in it. I can speak Russian but Latvian sounds like something mixed of Russian and German though it is a very independent language (together with Lithuanian) and has almost nothing to to with these languages - I said it just in case there is somebody from Latvia here, they are very touchy on this issue.
Happyness could be Laima. But possibly 'Laima' couldn't cause you tongueproblemssmiley - winkeye.

The Aromatic Café

Post 27

Dizzy the Void

[Mog] I can't pronounce ANYTHING in any other language! ('Cept Kupo...)

The Aromatic Café

Post 28

Darkman Shadow

I don't need to learn any other languages, except Standard Galactic.

The Aromatic Café

Post 29

Titania (gone for lunch)

[bookmarking new thread]

The Aromatic Café

Post 30

Dizzy the Void

[Mog] Kupo!

[All 11 Other Moogles] Kupo!

The Aromatic Café

Post 31


Re-reading post 6:
" Also, things
didn't work out quite as I wanted them too with the girl mentioned in the other thread,
so all in all, not too good... "
This must be why I had the feeling of forgetting something last night!
I forgot to give him a smiley - hug ! One-eye, I'm so sorry! smiley - sadface

The Aromatic Café

Post 32


smiley - smiley
Good morning.
IIEM- a nice hot and strong coffee,please. It's raining constantly and I feel it infects my nose, too.

The Aromatic Café

Post 33


*Fetches a warm blanket and wooly socks for Hatifnat*
Here you go dear. A summer-cold is not to be takeing lightly on!
*places a box of tissues on the table*

The Aromatic Café

Post 34


Thank you, Bumblebee.
I'm sitting here and dreaming - in the evening I'll go home, make myself some sandwitches and then I put a fire in the stove and then - I'll sit at the stove and eat and read and noone can bother me. I like stove heating smiley - biggrin.

The Aromatic Café

Post 35


Witch reminds me to go and check how much fire-wood we've got left..
smiley - coffee

The Aromatic Café

Post 36

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available


Mornin' gals!

IIEM, coffee please.

That's allright Bumble, I'll survive...smiley - smiley

*sits down in corner with w*rk*

The Aromatic Café

Post 37


Hi, One-eye!
*walks out to find something to eat*

The Aromatic Café

Post 38


IIEM, a cup of green tea please.

The Aromatic Café

Post 39

Titania (gone for lunch)

*floating in, unable to resist despite being on vacation*

Hi all!smiley - smiley

IIEM, a café mélange, please!

*sinks down in Deep Purple sofa, happily enjoying doing nothing at all*

The Aromatic Café

Post 40

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

IIEM, refill on the smiley - coffee please.

What's with the sighing?

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