Talking Point: If You Were Immortal Would You Become A Hedonist?

17 Conversations

The smiling, mortal Oliver Reed.
If you were told that you were going to live forever, that anything you did would be of no consequence as far your mortality was concerned, would you inevitably become a hedonist?

To which most of you will probably reply, 'But I already am a hedonist'.

But seriously folks... the Roman philosopher Seneca lamented mankind's folly in that he felt that most of us regard time as an infinite commodity which we fritter away carelessly, spending it idly paying no heed at all to its precious, finite nature.

Perhaps the single thing which underpins every aspect of all human endeavour or lack thereof, is the degree to which we are prepared to engage with the simple fact: we are all going to die.

But what if that wasn't the case? What if you were given the chance to become immortal? Would you head straight down the pub?

  • How would you live if you were told that you were going to live forever? What would change?

  • Is it likely will science find a way of permanently arresting the degeneration of human cells?

  • If given, would you take the option of becoming immortal?

  • If you lived forever would you spend all day and every day in the pub?

  • Would you shy away from personal relationships? (Too many funerals...)

  • Would Oliver Reed have continued to drink for a million years? Or would he eventually have got bored of it?

  • Fearless of the consequences (because there are none) would you lose yourself in a tornado of self-destructive, intoxicating behaviour?

  • Is there anything positive about living forever? Do you want to?

  • Is the fact that we are going to die the single most important aspect of what it means to be a human?

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