A Conversation for h2g2 Vampires of The Dark Alleyway

Charisma Quest Help

Post 1


I thought it might be nice to put a "charisma help list" here for those who aren't part of The COVE. Of course it's a much smaller group but at least it's help of some sort.

Charisma Quest Help

Post 2


Ok, go to The Sunken Sofa at Eagle and 34th and be the last that helps Ottox with his Charisma quests! smiley - tongueout

*sends a thank you notice to Marjin*

Charisma Quest Help

Post 3


As soon as I recharge I'll see how close my pires are. Batty and COVE Bartender might be able to help. Little Hootoo is questing ATM but will be done tonight.

Charisma Quest Help

Post 4


Thanks to shazz that's not necessary! smiley - ok

Charisma Quest Help

Post 5

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

You can also join the yahell group
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