A Conversation for Discordianism

One small error...

Post 1


Wonderful post but I noticed that a small error crept in there. The Church of the Subgenius charges $30, not $20. This a point that is argued over at length between alt.slack and alt.discordia.

All hail Eris
All hail Discordia
All hail Zorak
Hail tonight clearing by morning

One small error...

Post 2

Reverend 'id'

$30? Well, when I looked into the church nigh on 8 years ago, it was only $20. I suppose the price may have gone up. Even though the Discordians and the Subgenii intermingle, and often find each other amusing, they both look upon the other as a somewhat bastardized version of their own faith.

I tend to agree with the Discordians more, because not only did the Subgenii spring from the forehead of the Discordians, they also took the tweezers on the way out, leaving the Discordians with no manual dipilitory device. Unfortunate, that.

At any rate, $20 or $30 is all very subjective, as all you have to do to be saved in the Subgenii Church is to buy the _Book of the Subgenius_, which you can get for $12.95. Or you may have to buy the Apocripha now, I'm not sure. Both books together total $30, that may be where the number comes from. But the Apocripha is a new thing, and does not enter into the scope of this document.

And $30 isn't too terrible. They need the money to feed the infinite number of monkeys.

Rev. "id"

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