A Conversation for Discordianism

The Snub

Post 1

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor

I've always wondered if there was meant to be any significance to the fact that "buns" (as in No Hot Dog Buns) is "snub" spelled backwards.

The Snub

Post 2

Reverend 'id'


There is also no significance to the fact that 'deliver' as in, "Deliver me from these hot dog buns!" is 'reviled' spelled backward. Even if they happen to be reviled hot dog buns.

Reverend David 'id' Bills

The Snub

Post 3

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor

Might I ask from whence you acquire this miraculous certainty?

The Snub

Post 4

Reverend 'id'

I'm a Pope.

I'm infalible.


Reverend David 'id' Bills
Pope in Exile

The Snub

Post 5

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor

Ah yes...so what happens if I, another Pope, say there _is_ significance?

The Snub

Post 6

Reverend 'id'

Not much. It really wouldn't be significant.

But Holy War is always a possibility.

You could always find the support of some wayward Emperor and have yourself declared the Anti-Pope. But then I rather think you'd have to live in France. And if you touched anything you'd smell like a native. Not really an option you see?

But Discordianism leaves plenty of room for all this. Rather than avoid splinter groups, the Hive-Mind (There is no Hive-Mind) actually encourages differing opinions (or onions with 'pi' in the middle) that have all the outward appearance of mindless childish spats. These are in fact carefully contructed, and fully devious mindless childish spats.

We Discordians must stick apart.

Different strokes for different folks.
Different semantic funnels for different reality tunnels.

So while there is no significance to that bit about the buns and snub, there is some significance in me telling you that there is no significance. I call it the Argument by Blind Faith. If you insist on there being significance, I shall simply switch tactics to the Argument by Intimidation and summon up Espaseral, the Demon of Stale Bong Water to come hit you about the head and neck, or at the very least, yell at you.

Ex Cathedra
Rev Bills

The Snub

Post 7

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor

Holy War? Bring it on. I am the Wicked Spirit, after all.

The Snub

Post 8

Reverend 'id'

I thought the Wicked Spirit was Tequilla.

The Snub

Post 9

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor

Um...I guess that would be a different wicked spirit. My spirithood exists within the religion found herein: http://www.h2g2.com/U98357

The Snub

Post 10

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Personally, I think that the most important thing - at least in this frame of reference - is that spam is maps spelled backwards. I once wrote a short story to this effect, but my teachers were so fightened by it that I dropped that line of research! smiley - winkeye

You might also want to check out the Church of the True Brownie, Rev. I think you'd get a kick out of our discussions. We believe in allowing a "cross-pollination" of sorts with other religions. smiley - smiley

smiley - fish23smiley - fish

The Snub

Post 11

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor

Your teachers were frightened by it? Wow. What was it that frightened them?

The Snub

Post 12

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

I think that they were afraid of the concept that Spam was created as a way to smuggle maps through German lines... smiley - winkeye That or they just thought that I was being too creative for my own good and should just sit back and read elizabeth Browning, darn it. smiley - smiley

The Snub

Post 13

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor

Sort of like cops entrapping criminals by inviting them to an event sponsored by the SPOC?

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