A Conversation for Discordianism

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Post 1

Reverend 'id'

Well, it took a while, but they've finally reinstated the Discordian entry. First it was removed because it violated the House Rules - in some manner that was never explained. In fact, when I sent an email asking what had violated the House Rules, they didn't know either. I can only assume that since the act of observing changes the thing being observed, when the initial reviewers looked at the entry it was filled will all manner of undescribable filth and acrimonious invective.

When that was all cleared up, someone noticed that I had quoted liberally from the Principia Discordia. It was assumed that the other sites that printed the full text of the Principia or quoted it themselves would therefor be able to bring a law suit or suits against the BBC. I had to explain that everything in the Principia (including most of its derived works) is in the public domain. I know of only two or three Discordian things that are restrictively copywrited, and even these things are only restrictive to organized religion.

So, it's back. Enjoy. No one looks at this page anyway.

Rev. David Bills, MT, KSC, HM/SH

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