A Conversation for Filing Cabinets

Peer Review: A1914635 - Filing Cabinets

Post 1

uLtR@s0n!c bI$oN

Entry: Filing Cabinets - A1914635
Author: eggledina - U232960

just wanted to know what people thought.
how do get rid of the and at the top? thanks

A1914635 - Filing Cabinets

Post 2

Bob McBob

I'm not sure if this will get into the EG, as the italics only seem to want really factual items, based on real fact smiley - sadface and have put it in their <./>writing-guidelines</.> just to make sure.

This means that either you make it completely facutal, and leave out all the good bits...

or (smiley - cheerup), move it to AWW (<./>writing-alternative</.&gtsmiley - winkeye, where it will be loved and cherished! (You can move it by going into PR and clicking on the X on the right next to your entry, then re-submiting it)

smiley - cake

The and tags will (hopefully) appear in the Edit Entry (<./>UserEdit1914635</.&gtsmiley - winkeye screen, so can be deleted there. If not, well, erm...

A1914635 - Filing Cabinets

Post 3


Have you thought about moving this, eggledina?

smiley - panda

A1914635 - Filing Cabinets

Post 4

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

The Writing-Alternative would seem to be a better home for this entry to me, too!

Do you need any help in moving it?

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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