Useless error messages

10 Conversations

OK as a off-shoot of the ICARUS forum about stupid instructions on stuff "don't drink" on shampoo, "this product contain nuts" on peanuts etc. Also an off-shoot of the Stupid users thread of the Ask H2G2 forum, I have decided to call for useless error messages from software. Such as;

  • "Error 146 whilst reporting error 146" Microsoft Visual Foxpro"

  • "Error 123456, there is no message for this error" MS Access.

  • "No such error message as this one" and "This document is UGLY! [Erase|Erase]"... from DMC Calamus sent in by Peet
  • Error -2147467259 in Visual Basic by Shawn510
  • Peet Also provided "Keyboard not present or not functioning - press F1 to continue" on start up ie a BIOS error, I seem to remember that one

Also to extend this article any crass, stupid or whatever software messages will be included such as:

    "Unauthorised used of this machice is prohibited" from Jupita
    and the obvious "This application has performed an illegal operation" What sort of law has it broken, show it to me, can I get it arrested, rant, rant.

...and the honest

    'I know you don't want to know all this. I'm just doing it to annoy you!' Apple complier, sent in by The Cheerful Dragon

Those are the ones I can remember on a Sunday afternoon. I know there are hundreds out there so let me know

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