The Authors would like a word with you, the reader. Part VII

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 H2G2 Storytime 3!!!

We realise this is a terrible intrusion through the third wall of reality and normally authors don't make direct appeals to the audience, unless they are trying to be trendy and post-modern. Happily, we are neither trendy nor are we post-modern, but we are however, frightfully concerned that what follows might be confusing unless we take a moment to explain our intentions.

In order to spare you any confusion, you should know that h2g2 Storytime 3 was conceived to run chronologically alongside it's prececessor h2g2 Storytime 2. and that in this chapter the synchriosity finally comes to a close.
This has been a long time coming. As far back as the finalé of h2g2 storytime 1, Arthur and X's mission was conceived.

And so it was that h2g2 storytime 2 ended with a reprise. Arthur and X, devout special Agents under the tutorlage of UPS Guy; who had departed for Switzerland in the opening chapter to trace the mysterious origins of what does "The Dying Pilchard Bleeds under a Turqoise Moon" actually mean; reappear etheral and ghostly as voices over a communications panel. In the Epilogue, our characters in a brief, enigmatic and fractured radio message to Guy try desperately to explain that they were being pursued and that they had found a something but before Arthur could tell guy what it was, the signal and the message, was lost.

Now, in Chapter 58, we can finally reveal what, or indeed who it was that Arthur and X were running from and what Arthur message to base really was. With no-more crossovers between the stories possible, Arthur and X now truly, are on their own.

The relevant chapters mentioned above are linked to at the bottom of this page.

Clive the flying Ostrich ,
smiley - space Mr legion ,
smiley - space HPB &smiley - space Terran h2g2 storytime 1 finalésmiley - space -smiley - space In which Arthur and X receive their mission briefing.
Chapter 1smiley - space -smiley - space In which The Prophecy of Rasputin's Ascension is revealed and Arthur and X leave on thieir mission to uncover the mysteries surrounding the Turqoise Moon.
Chapter 23smiley - space -smiley - space In which Guy receives his final message from Arthur
Click here to return to Chapter 58 of h2g2 Storytime 3.

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