A Conversation for Pizza


Post 1

Pizza The Hutt

See Pizza is more inteligent than you think, one day we will rise against you, then you will be the handy food.


Post 2

Blue Sun

What was this in reply to oh might Pizza?

One is pondering your email??!!

Oh yeah, who is researcher 97619 who replied to your intro??http://www.h2g2.com/U97619 ???

well, this h2g2 world is intersting. What you need to do is find some buzzing forums to get involved in!!


( and if 97619 is listening, no-one has EVER called by blue sun, OK? )


Post 3

Blue Sun

What was this in reply to oh might Pizza?

One is pondering your email??!!

Oh yeah, who is researcher 97619 who replied to your intro??http://www.h2g2.com/U97619 ???

well, this h2g2 world is intersting. What you need to do is find some buzzing forums to get involved in!!


( and if 97619 is listening, no-one has EVER called by blue sun, OK? )


Post 4

Blue Sun

Opps, me twice!!


Post 5

Pizza The Hutt

Pizza can also withstand the onslaught of a blowtorch longer than sheet steel. Proven fact.

If you covered the Space Shuttle in fourteen layers of Pizza it would survive re-entry. Theoretical fact.

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