
1 Conversation

<p>Pizza is one of those rare earthling inventions that is actaully quite brilliant. Consider, for a moment, the virtues of a pizza.<BR/> It's higly portable...thin enough to slide in a handy satchel and flexible (you can just fold iy however you want to squeeze it into all those annoying nooks and crannies.</p>
<p>It is also a food capable of covering all 4 major food groups - depending on which toppings you choose to use. So if you had to live off just one type of food just choose pizza!</p>
<p>Another handy advantage is that is takes next to no culinary excellence to cook, providing you purchase one frozen and have a minimal understanding of the workings of an oven.<BR/>Incidently, the base you aquire from frozen pizzas tend to make excellent frisbees. So pizza not only provides food, but a source of entertainment too!!! <hr></p>

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