A Conversation for The Feline and Fiddle

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Post 101

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

You should know by now you can't out-grin a fairy EVsmiley - tongueout

*flashes her biggest smile and flutters her eyelashes at Peregrin*
Mr President sir, may I suggest that if you need a president of F1 you appoint someone with the ability to predict who the world champion is likely to be...smiley - smiley

Of course if we're doing it properly then you'll have to appoint me as I'm a Ferrari supportersmiley - winkeye

*continues wandering round unravelling fairy lights*
How long do I have to get the fairy lights ready?

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Post 102


*Trips over fairy lights.*

Oowww! Who put those there?

*Clears up last night's glasses.*

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Post 103


Well, it was quite a party. smiley - smiley

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Post 104


Morning BB smiley - smileysmiley - ale hair of the dog?

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Post 105


Thanks BS - why not? smiley - smiley
Anything happening for you this morning?

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Post 106


*Pours smiley - ale for BB and a smiley - ale for self.*

No, life's pretty slow atm. Mind you, I only found this round today.

smiley - ale|_b Cheers smiley - smiley

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Post 107


smiley - ale|_b cheers!
At the moment my life consists of remembering to put out the bin, waiting for the new shopping centre to open on Thursday, and I've got a job interview with the lowest-of-the-low tomorrow.

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Post 108


Just smile and remember Ronald loves you smiley - smiley.

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Post 109


Urm, yes.... I'd rather meet the Ham Burgler - or is he not in their adverts anymore?

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Post 110


Don't know, I've not actually seen any of the ads for a long time.

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Post 111

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Has anyone seen that advert where the guy has an argument with the hamburger seller because the hamburgers don't have ham in them? Gets right on my nerves, that does. Afternoon all, smiley - ale please.

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Post 112


*Pours smiley - ale*
I've not seen that one, I don't get to see adverts anymore.
Whenever I try watching TV, our housemate Garfie always grabs the remote control and channel surfs during the advert break, meaning you miss about 5 minutes of the programme you wanted to watch when the adverts are over.
I'd rather just turn the volume down, talk to those around me, make everyone a cup of tea or something, but no, he has to keep watching TV and won't keep it on the channel I want it on, as I don't want to miss 5 minutes worth of it.
And despite how many times I politely ask him, he always does it.

It really annoys me.

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Post 113


They are having these commercials now because of the Olympics, introducing mcUSA and mcAfrica and so forth;
I was so dissappointed when they came to mcAustralia - it had NOT kangaroo-meat in them! On the other hand, I can safely continue my boycott.....

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Post 114


*Debates with himself whether its unseemly for a president to drink too much*

*remembers that he hasn't got a spotless image anyway*

Too bad.

*downs several smiley - ales*


Post 115


This post has been removed.

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Post 116


I'll drink to that smiley - smiley.

*Pours smiley - ale's all round.*

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Post 117


I agree with Peregrin - boycott McDonalds!!!

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Post 118


er, haven't you applied for a job there? smiley - bigeyes

Never mind, you can bring them down from the inside.

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Post 119


Subversive acts like forgetting to ask:

"would you like fries with that?"

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Post 120


I doubt I'll get the job though - my hair's probably too long.

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