A Conversation for The Feline and Fiddle

c|_| 39

Post 1481

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

*squeals and bounces and is VERY, VERY proud of menza*
Wow smiley - bigeyes
*starts singing along*
"Crawwwwwwwwwwling in my skin
These wounds they will not heaaaaaaaaaal
Fear is how I falllllllll
Confusing what is reaaaaaaaal"
*though should point out she does object to the spelling of said band and as such refuses to buy their album along with Limp Bizkit*

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Post 1482


I would have thought insisting on the correct use of English in band names would diminish anyone's collection quite a bit? *hides his Beatles albums*

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Post 1483

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

*puts on her best rah accent*
Darling I'm an English student now, one must gets ones syntactical structure right if ones ever going to progress in the world...
*sniggers at how scared people are when she tells them she's from a comprehensive school in Sheffield*
hehehehe, everyones so posh!!! smiley - biggrin

How are you anyway CW? I haven't spoken to agggggggeeeesss! OOh and btw, if I were to attempt to organise a Sheffield meet would you be interested in helping me with logistics of it? The only thing I can think of thats inspired is the American golf centre smiley - winkeye

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Post 1484


But do you have a pink scarf? Otherwise you can't be a proper rah smiley - winkeye

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Post 1485

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

Nah, I just have my "Sheffield Rulz" top that's all smiley - winkeye
Big up to the Sheffield Massive!!!

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Post 1486


Hi Tink. I'm fine - back at Uni too down in Portsmouth. I'd happily help organise a Sheffield meet, but it'd have to be when I'm in Sheffield (I'm not so keen on organising a meet I won't be able to attend...), which is either this Christmas or next Summer. Sorry smiley - erm

How are you enjoying uni? I think my sister got the same shocked expressions from some of the people at Cambridge uni when they found out she'd come from a Sheffield comprehensive. Goes to show how good the state school system is smiley - smiley (well, I would say that - both my parents and an increasing number of my friends are an integral part of it...). Of course, when London sinks as a result of global warming, Sheffield will be the logical place to have a new capital as it's pretty much bang central (North-South at least) in the UK and is on top of a hill smiley - smiley

nb., shouldn't that be 'Big it up for the Sheffield Massive' above? Tsk. Call yourself an English student smiley - winkeye

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