A Conversation for The Feline and Fiddle

Oh dear. The world appears to have ended

Post 401


Well done, my Lochangel friend. I didn't know you were you anymore, but I thought that you had passed on to fields anew.

Oh dear. The world appears to have ended

Post 402


Dearest Bluebottle - I see you survived Peregrine's cooking! When I was flying back from Africa i flew over the IoW

Oh dear. The world appears to have ended

Post 403

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

I take it you 2 know each other?

Oh dear. The world appears to have ended

Post 404


Never met him before in my life, have I BB smiley - winkeye

Oh dear. The world appears to have ended

Post 405


smiley - winkeye Who? What? Someone talking to me?
No - I wouldn't dream of knowing you, would I?
Maybe that was going a little too far...?

Oh dear. The world appears to have ended

Post 406


Now, now, you are just confusing the poor lad. smiley - winkeye

Oh dear. The world appears to have ended

Post 407


What's confusing me is I thought you were in the other conversation!
Hi Menza!

Oh dear. The world appears to have ended

Post 408


Oh I am, I'm just posting here cos there are too few active forums in the pub.

We aren't top of the popular forums list you know. smiley - winkeye

Oh dear. The world appears to have ended

Post 409


You can hardly complain being in second place!
Anyway, alas I must leave - but I'll see you soon!


Oh dear. The world appears to have ended

Post 410


See you soon. smiley - smiley

Oh dear. The world appears to have ended

Post 411


I thought this was a pub, Menza! It is proving completely impossible to get a drink. Its now 8.30am GMT and I am still waiting to be served! smiley - winkeye

Oh dear. The world appears to have ended

Post 412

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

I think you just help yourself. No-one seems to mind (Or thay just haven't noticed yet). That's the great thing about this pub. Due to its spanning every time-zone in the world, as far as the customers are concerned, licencing laws can just go hang.

Oh dear. The world appears to have ended

Post 413

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

Damn, sorry about the spelling.

'I will read through my posts before sending them' x100

Oh dear. The world appears to have ended

Post 414


Well, we've all done that now and then. We'll forgive you!

Oh dear. The world appears to have ended

Post 415


Things can get particularly confusing when you are in two rounds at once smiley - smiley Anyone want a beer in this round?

Oh dear. The world appears to have ended

Post 416

Rocket Rod

Yes thankyou BS I'll have a large Drumroll ICY COLD,if you pease, it's been another extreme day in the tropics
smiley - winkeye

Oh dear. The world appears to have ended

Post 417


One super chilled Drumroll smiley - alesmiley - smiley

We just have a standard UK February day here, but the sun *is* shining.

Oh dear. The world appears to have ended

Post 418

Rocket Rod

Mate even living in the tropics can have it's drawbacks. Today I'd have just about killed for some British weather. Care for another beer?

Oh dear. The world appears to have ended

Post 419


Uncommon kind of you sir, I'll have a normal temperature Drumroll. If you would care to join us in smiley - ale part seven one or two of the regulars are starting to show up smiley - smiley

Oh dear. The world appears to have ended

Post 420

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Before you go, I'll have a smiley - ale of Drumroll, if I may. smiley - winkeye

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