A Conversation for The Feline and Fiddle

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 341


Originally it said *lay phone cables*, but I thought we were all above that kind of comment. I stand corrected. smiley - winkeye

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 342


I'm *sure* that was the wrong answer...

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 343


Probably. smiley - winkeye

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 344


Sorry! smiley - sadface I've obviously been spending far too long in the Carry On forum. Can I get everyone a smiley - ale to make up for it?

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 345


You're welcome to get me a smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - smiley

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 346


Cheers, shall I pour? smiley - smiley

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 347


OK Menz - a smiley - stiffdrink for Joanna, a smiley - ale for me and whatever you're having.

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 348

I.V. BeerDwarf

I'll have smiley - ale of your'e finest, most inexpensive please.

Is it possible to get Calamari and chips here?

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 349


By all means. smiley - smiley
And now I'd like to pass on a great story I read the other day in "The Irish Post" (You get a lot of Irish papers left lying around in the pubs round my way). It's a bit of a cautionary tale for landlords like yourself, Menza...
The story was about a woman who'd gone for a long drinking session in a pub in Dublin. At closing time she went to the Ladies. Trouble was that she'd had so many smiley - ales that she fell asleep in there. She woke up at 2am to find that she was alone in the now deserted, locked pub.
Now, frankly, I can think of a lot worse situations to be in. Presumably, she would have been able to help herself to whatever she wanted from the bar. But she sued the brewery for negligence because the pub management had failed to check the toilets before locking up.
The court case had to be adjourned twice because her lawyer kept cracking up laughing. Nevertheless, she won £4,000 in compensation! smiley - bigeyes

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 350


I'm safe from that, I never lock up. smiley - smiley

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 351


But what would you pay a fine in? Virtual beer?
g'night allsmiley - smiley

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 352


And come to think of it, we're ALWAYS allowed to help ourselves from the bar if no-one's around smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley
But as you ARE here, how's about another smiley - ale?

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 353


I've got to go too, G'night.

Help you selves. smiley - smiley

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 354


Oh dear. A crossed-posts situation. smiley - sadface
But now I'm alone in the pub, with permission to help myself! Hmm - time to hit the Fuel, I think... (Pours himself a smiley - ale)

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 355


I seem to have a hankerin' for an evil, hellish beverage. Any suggestions?

....Where are the paper cups kept?

*scratches chin with immence olive-green claw*

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 356

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

A slippery nipple. Only made properly in the Hogshead in High Wycombe smiley - smiley

Well... you could have a Pink Cloud. It is an almost instant knock out *evil grin*

Joe aka Arnia
smiley - fish
Slippery Nipple Fishies

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 357


Time for another smiley - ale, I think. smiley - smiley

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 358


(A low groaning sound is heard from the pub floor. Slowly and with some difficulty, Ormondroyd gets to his feet, clutching his head)
Uuuurghhh... where am I?

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 359


It's okay, my friend, you're in the pub.
You've been at the Fuel again, haven't you? smiley - winkeye

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 360


Yes. When will I learn? I'm not sure what I need now... a coffee? A paracetamol? A hair of the dog? A brain transplant?

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