A Conversation for The Feline and Fiddle

c|_| the fifth round

Post 61


Right, can you hold his head still? This cup is getting hot.

c|_| the fifth round

Post 62

Dancing Ermine

Okay I'll shuffle up.

*Adjusts position*

Right, think I've got him

c|_| the fifth round

Post 63


You can tie his arms down with his scarf if you need to. smiley - smiley

c|_| the fifth round

Post 64

Dancing Ermine

Might be a good idea.

*takes scarf off ormondroyd and ties arms down to body using the ever-useful reef knot*

Okay got his head ready now

c|_| the fifth round

Post 65


*what* are you doing?

c|_| the fifth round

Post 66


OK, here we go.

*Opens mouth and pours half the cup of coffee down Ormy's neck*

That should do for now, we'll let him sleep it off. He will feel better in the morning. smiley - smiley

c|_| the fifth round

Post 67


Can I get a |_| of lemonade please, I think I feel up to it!

c|_| the fifth round

Post 68


Certainly, you diserve it. Lots of soft drinks and sugar should sort you out. smiley - smiley

c|_| the fifth round

Post 69


smiley - smiley

c|_| the fifth round

Post 70


I think I'm going to log off now, I must have been here for 8 hours straight.

*hands self service sign again*

Help yourselves to whatever you want. smiley - smiley

c|_| the fifth round

Post 71

Dancing Ermine

My favourite bit, when the barman's gone. smiley - smiley

c|_| the fifth round

Post 72


smiley - smiley

c|_| the fifth round

Post 73

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

now, no playing water fights with the soda siphons kids smiley - winkeye

c|_| the fifth round

Post 74

Dancing Ermine

Another |_| for me then, would you like one?

c|_| the fifth round

Post 75

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

yes please

ice cream soda please

in a tall glass, with a wiggly straw


c|_| the fifth round

Post 76


(Rises groggily from floor) uuurrgghh... Where am I? What am I? Why am I? smiley - bigeyes

c|_| the fifth round

Post 77

Dancing Ermine

I can't find a wiggly straw, have you any idea where they're kept?

c|_| the fifth round

Post 78


I can't find which way is up. Can anyone help me?

c|_| the fifth round

Post 79

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

I think they are hidden in cupboard (num lock on) Alt+0198 (numbers on keyboard)
no, that's Æ

it's Alt+0167

c|_| the fifth round

Post 80


Are you sure, I can't find them.

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