The CAC Continuum
Created | Updated Dec 3, 2006
The Discreet Little Package in a Brown Paper Bag Issue
Fiction Weird Science First/Personals Kitchen SyncronicitiesSatire
Every now and again, the UnderGuide Miners turn up a piece of writing that ticks all the right boxes but, for one reason or another, can't have its day on the Front Page. In the case of the narrative contained in this issue of the CAC Continuum, it was deemed a little too strong for a 24-hour medium - which is what you're looking at right now, if you didn't already know - accessible by all and sundry. Doesn't stop the CAC from giving it a tug and a pull into the light of day, though, especially since we can give the warning: if you don't consider yourself an adult or you're only in the mood for comfort-reading, then don't click the link. Simple as that. For fans of this author's writing or if you fancy encountering something striking, then please do.
A17845653 by U3467975
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This issue drew on the work of a number of UnderGuide volunteers,
was proposed by Waz and seconded by Trin,
as part of the Committee for Alien Content's continuing search
for truth and a wider audience.
The CAC Continuum Archive
We gratefully acknowledge the support of the h2g2 UnderGuide