A Conversation for Douglas Adams and 42

Nobody likes a smart arse

Post 1


Would I be ruining it for you if I told you why the robots on Titanic answer 42 with "nobody likes a smartarse"?

Nobody likes a smart arse

Post 2


42 was the answer to the "Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe & Everything" in the HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy radio series, books, TV show & 'puter game that DNA wrote.
There's lots of info about DNA & his stuff here
& here

Do not ask DNA about 42 - if you do, this is the type of reaction you will get -> http://www.h2g2.com/A47990

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Nobody likes a smart arse

Post 3


42 is indeed The Answer, which is why the robots reply with another answer..."nobody likes a smartarse"

Nobody likes a smart arse

Post 4


& they are right smiley - winkeye


Nobody likes a smart arse

Post 5

English Ben

Mulder's flat in the X-Files is #42.
Fish=Babel fish. Or were you being facetious?

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