A Conversation for Ask h2g2

People who know what they want for lunch

Post 21

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I've shuddered at eggs in "breakfast sandwiches" before, when I was getting them from Dunkin Donuts. I am truly sorry that you had to endure terrible eggs like that. If I ruled the world, outlets that couldn't provide decent eggs in sandwiches would be forbidden to offer them smiley - cross. The trouble is, tastiness is in the mouth of the taster. There may well be people who think Dunkin Donuts and Subway have delicious eggs. smiley - erm

People who know what they want for lunch

Post 22

Baron Grim

Nope! I believe it is a universal impossibility to consider those "egg" pancake things not only "delicious" but even palatable.

It's like hard tack. It may be "food" but that doesn't mean that anyone one likes eating it.

People who know what they want for lunch

Post 23

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

The breakfast sandwiches at Caffe Nero are fluffy and light. Perhaps I live in a universe that doesn't correspond to yours? smiley - winkeye

(or maybe the chickens here in Boston lay tastier eggs?)

People who know what they want for lunch

Post 24

Baron Grim

The tastiness of Caffe Nero breakfast sandwiches have no bearing on the horrid pseudo egg discs served at Subway.

People who know what they want for lunch

Post 25

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I am glad to hear that. And, I am forewarned about the doom that awaits me at Subway if I should be unwise (which is fairly often smiley - flustered)

People who know what they want for lunch

Post 26

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

I did for a short while have a favourite in Greggs and actually could more or less go in and know what I wanted. It was a cheese omelette with tomato sauce in a wrap that they heated up in their grill thing. It was actually really smiley - drool and was filling enough for me not to need something else with it.

But of course for the past few years Greggs have been going through an experimental phase where they introduce weird and sometimes quite creative product lines for a few months to try them out and then discontinue the poorer selling lines. This is of course working for them as they are one of the few retailers to be expanding furiously at the moment. But if they disocontinue something you've grown to love... smiley - wah

I'm not a vegetarian, but I do try to reduce my meat intake for all the reasons everyone else should be too. To this end, I *try* to keep meat eating for my evening meal, so this omellete thing also helped me avoid meat for lunch (which is actually quite hard when you're buying your lunch once you've got bored with tuna and egg thingssmiley - erm)

People who know what they want for lunch

Post 27

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

The trouble with vegetarianism is that roughly six of every seven people who try it eventually go back to eating meat. But eggs and cheese are consistent with vegetarianism. Lactose intolerance is an impediment to the use of dairy products, though some cheeses have little if any lactose. And, intolerance varies from total to quiet limited.

When I'm eating meat, I try to emphasize actual meat rather than processed versions such as store-bought meatballs.

People who know what they want for lunch

Post 28

Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly)

My real problem with Subway is that most often, you have to pay for a double or triple measure of the main component to receive anything approximating the depicted item.

For over 32 years, we have always cooked dinner for the pair of us - and extra in case someone lands at our door without warning. The upshot is that most dinners resulted in two fair measures of left-overs. These would reside in the freezer, and come the work day - - - reach in blindly and grab a dish. You never know what lunch is until it is thawed.

This practice was not always a great success. Finding that your lunch is a dish of chopped bread for bird or pork dressing? Or a dish of left-over gravy from some roasted bird or beast?

People who know what they want for lunch

Post 29


Well I'm sure it is not as good as your local delicatessen, some of us don't have easy access to that place, or any other great sandwich shop - at least unless I want a 20 minute walk both there and back during my 1 h lunchbreak. smiley - rolleyes

People who know what they want for lunch

Post 30


Mayonnaise just isn't comparable with salad cream, it isn't even the same colour. Comparing the two is like saying that a single baked bean is the equivalent of a sausage in a fried breakfast. Mayonnaise has smiley - friedegg in and can be founding lurking in almost every shop-bought sarnie, which is annoying if you don't like mayonnaise.

Anyway, for me nammet I always make my own packed lunch and usually have a ham and watercress sandwich with salad cream or brencheese & pickle. And an smiley - apple


People who know what they want for lunch

Post 31

Baron Grim



smiley - bigeyes

smiley - rofl

(I live in the 'burbs of Houston. There's no walking to places here.) smiley - laugh

BG smiley - pirate

People who know what they want for lunch

Post 32

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

smiley - laugh Walking places. That, I think must be one of the most significant cultural differences from either side of the pond. Possibly even greater than guns!

I simply can't imagine my legs not being my primary method of getting places. I drive most days for work related functions, so I usually relish giving the car a break and walking/train/bus places at the weekend. It's more relaxing not having to navigate traffic and thinking about where to leave a tonne of metal at the destination.

People who know what they want for lunch

Post 33

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

"Mayonnaise just isn't comparable with salad cream, it isn't even the same colour" [Bluebottle]

I can't taste colo(u)r. I've just looked up substitutions for salad cream, and found that Miracle Whip is fairly close. So, I will withdraw mayonnaise and substitute Miracle Whip. smiley - blush

People who know what they want for lunch

Post 34

Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly)

Very small town here, brushing against our largest and most active RCAF base. Working there, the rare 'what the hell' lunch was 1 of 2 chicken places (rotisserie or southern fried), a Subway, 2 mediocre burger shops, or if I called ahead - a pick-up Chinese buffet dish.

And they had to be quick to be taken back to work. The uniformed kids could take as long as they wanted, but we retired (read as ex-military) contractors had a very close watched 30 minutes.

People who know what they want for lunch

Post 35

Baron Grim

30 minute lunches are of the devil!

People who know what they want for lunch

Post 36

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Remember about what Douglas Adams said about lunch hour. It was probably doubly true of half-hour lunches.

I used to make one-dish meals at home, and then put them in the refrigerator at work, so I could have something home-made for lunch.

People who know what they want for lunch

Post 37


I don't think I've ever had a job I've not walked to smiley - footprints or back smiley - stnirptoof from just to see what the walk's like. I've often walked 8 or 9 miles each way to work (about 2 hours each way) – I think that's about the limit of how far I'd be prepared to walk for work rather than leisure.smiley - shrug


People who know what they want for lunch

Post 38


Lucky you to have a job where losing another 4 hours doesn't remove any free time you might otherwise have entirely. I find cycling takes the sting out of a walk that long, and you still get to enjoy the fresh air smiley - winkeye
Not leaving my bike in town while I get lunch though - I prefer keeping it out reach of the tea leaves.

People who know what they want for lunch

Post 39

Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking.

The half hour break I use to walk in (just to get off my chair and breathe some relatively fresh air). My homemade sandwiches (which count as breakfast and lunch) I spread over the day when hungry / convenient, usually between 7:30 and 13:00. I suppose a lot of companies have policies where you can't eat at your desk.

People who know what they want for lunch

Post 40


I just make my nammet the day before and get up and go at 6am and expect to get home after 7pm, which isn't that different to leaving for work an hour later and being home around 6pm. In many ways being out and about in the fresh air makes you feel as if you've got more free time.


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