A Conversation for Truth and Tolerance - Integrating Faith and Reason

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A14630410 - Truth and Tolerance - Integrating Faith and Reason

Post 1


Entry: Truth and Tolerance - Integrating Faith and Reason - A14630410
Author: Pilgrim4Truth - U5734655

With the help from friends here is the revised version offered for the EG - thanks for your comments

A14630410 - Truth and Tolerance - Integrating Faith and Reason

Post 2


Fascinating Not having made a study of this I felt it is well written and informative. However I felt it may be hard for the average reader to follow.
I think it will be hard to simplify but it may be wroth the effort for the benefit of others.

Well done though excellent work…

A14630410 - Truth and Tolerance - Integrating Faith and Reason

Post 3

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - run

I made it. smiley - smiley

For reference, this is the previous PR thread.


For the record, this entry has changed beyond recognition since its first submission to PR.

As you were.

smiley - ok

A14630410 - Truth and Tolerance - Integrating Faith and Reason

Post 4


Hum. I guess that chucks it into my territory. I'll give it a quick trawl.

A14630410 - Truth and Tolerance - Integrating Faith and Reason

Post 5

Wilma Neanderthal

Leo, Can you cast an eye over the previous thread too?

smiley - ta

A14630410 - Truth and Tolerance - Integrating Faith and Reason

Post 6


Thanks everyone for helping on this.

A14630410 - Truth and Tolerance - Integrating Faith and Reason

Post 7


>>On September 12th 2006 a certain public figure went back to a university to give a speech. He was invited to make an address to “representatives of science” on the issue of his views on “Faith, Reason and the University Memories and Reflections”. He reminisced early on in the speech, causing polite laughter, about a critical comment from a colleague who said, “There was something odd about our university: it had two faculties devoted to something that did not exist: God.” He went on to say that “even in the face of such skepticism it is still necessary and reasonable to raise the question of God through the use of reason, and to do so in the context of the tradition of the Christian faith: this, within the university as a whole, was accepted without question”. <<

a few things here:

- house style dates in this format: day month, year. So that first date should read:
16 September, 2006

- the style guide for h2g2 uses only single quotes. Thus, turn all " into '.

>>Maybe Pope Benedict XVI had similar thoughts about its expected reception as he gathered his notes and moved into the main part of his Regensburg University address<<

- Consider smoothing out this sentence by removing 'expected' from the sentence. Or you could say, "Perhaps Pope Benedict XVI expected such a reception" or something like that.

- Include the link to the address in the text of the entry itself. Do this with the following ML:
Regensburg University address
replace www.speech.com with the URL for hte speech.

>>By all accounts he was surprised by the reaction to some opening remarks he made in his next paragraph, words he hoped would merely serve as a starting point for the thesis that violence and religion were not compatible, and that faith must be integrated with a respect for rationality and vice versa.<<

- what was the reaction?

>>The purpose of this Entry is not to discuss the furor caused by the Pope’s remarks about the comment made by a certain “Byzantine emperor Manuel II Paleologus and an educated Persian on the subject of Christianity and Islam”, but to look at the main theme of the speech that was on the topic of the integration of Faith and Reason, which seems to be unfortunately lost in the media chaos that ensued.<<

- shorten this to something like, "In the furor that followed his remarks, the main message of the Pope's address - the integration of Faith and Reason - was lost. This entry examines the principles he expounded."

Or something like that. I'd prefer if you could manage it without any 'this entry' at all. But at least don't refer to remarks made in the speech if you wont expound on them for the rest of us to understand.

>>You are driving, with friends in the back seat.<<

- with two friends in the back seat.

>>As you approach a crossroads, you ask for advice as to where to go. Friend A says turn left, friend B says right. And there seems to be no compromise possible from the argument that ensues.<<

- There are no possible compromises you can make between their arguements.

>>Maybe one is right and the other is wrong, you don’t know. You have three choices.<<

- 'You have no idea which of them is right, if either. You therefore have three choices:'

>>1. CHOOSE to go with one of the friends' advice, or
2. IGNORE them and carry on regardless through the junction going straight ahead, only making turns when they both agree, or
3. STOP the car and ask for someone that really knows the way (maybe bringing the friends along or not!).<<

- Change the CAPS into italics using the tag.

>>You see when it comes to “Faith and/or Reason” for many it appears that there are JUST two competing and opposite ways at looking at meaning and truth in the world<<

-sorry, but I don't think it's explicit enough where faith and reason come into things. Is it 'faith' to follow the suggestions of the friends in the backseat? Is it 'reason' to stop and find a second opinion?

A14630410 - Truth and Tolerance - Integrating Faith and Reason

Post 8

Skankyrich [?]

I'm not an expert on the subject matter, Pilgrim4Truth, so I'm going to unsubscribe from this conversation soon and leave those who know it better to comment.

I just wanted to say fair play to you for all the work you've put in. You've worked really hard to get this to a good standard, and with each revision you get closer to the EG; your patience is impressive and I apologise if I was overly negative at the start.

You obviously really want this to get into the EG and, though this still has some way to go before it will be absolutely ready, I'd like to wish you all the best with it.

A14630410 - Truth and Tolerance - Integrating Faith and Reason

Post 9


The past thread? Oh no, my dear woman. Oh no. Too long, too twisty. And I'm in middle of editing my Uni project and just came on to check up the date Henry James died. I'll leave the past thread in your able hands.

A14630410 - Truth and Tolerance - Integrating Faith and Reason

Post 10


Let me know when you're ready for more, Pilgrim. I can't garantee I'll get to it right away or do it totally thoroughly, but I'll give it my best go, because I admire your spunk in PR. smiley - ok

A14630410 - Truth and Tolerance - Integrating Faith and Reason

Post 11

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - laugh

Oh, OK then smiley - biggrin

smiley - hug

smiley - blush Ooops, was that too fluffy?

smiley - geek off to do some reading.

smiley - ok

A14630410 - Truth and Tolerance - Integrating Faith and Reason

Post 12


I can take most fluff digitally. Just don't try to hug me in person. smiley - ok Now, back to editing...

A14630410 - Truth and Tolerance - Integrating Faith and Reason

Post 13

Wilma Neanderthal

*straightens back*


smiley - online2long

I'm still reading smiley - geek

A14630410 - Truth and Tolerance - Integrating Faith and Reason

Post 14


I'll be going offline for a while, but I'll edit these suggestions into the text.

A14630410 - Truth and Tolerance - Integrating Faith and Reason

Post 15

Wilma Neanderthal

OK, here goes:

1. Is Regensburg University his alma mater? If so, I would say: a certain public figure went back to his university to ...

2. Your first footnote would work better as a link: Delete the footnote and the word 'address' and insert this instead:

Regensburg University address

More later...

smiley - ok

A14630410 - Truth and Tolerance - Integrating Faith and Reason

Post 16


Apologies, Pilgrim; it's a long time since I've submitted an Entry and when I put this into GuideML for you I plumb forgot to format the links.

Edit it again and replace each h2g2 reference like this example (the second footnote, now found in the body of the text after :


Take a look at this Entry A731440 for more on this "Tension".


Take a look at this Entry for more on this tension.

(By the way I do think you go way overboard with both the capitals and the "quotes". They don't really help at all; they're a bit like SHOUTING, which, as the man says, is not the way to get your message across.)

A14630410 - Truth and Tolerance - Integrating Faith and Reason

Post 17


Oh, good point. Unless something is a quote, don't put it in quotes. It drives me up the wall and onto the ceiling. Italicise, when necessary. I'll be back with something more constructive tommorow - probably.

A14630410 - Truth and Tolerance - Integrating Faith and Reason

Post 18


Thanks Leo, Recumbentman, Wilma, Elwyn,

Your patience and zeal is what inspires me to want to be part of the h2g2 community - you truly are folks that are seekers for truth with a tolerant heart - all fellow pilgrims!

A14630410 - Truth and Tolerance - Integrating Faith and Reason

Post 19


OK updated with your comments


Post 20


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