A Conversation for 1Wolcott Gibbs - Surgeon with Words

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A13758096 - Wolcott Gibbs - Surgeon with Words

Post 1


Entry: Wolcott Gibbs - Surgeon with Words - A13758096
Author: Leo - "And Lo! The frowny one smileth." - U519437

Incubating here for some time while I reread and finalise this project. Feel free to comment.

A13758096 - Wolcott Gibbs - Surgeon with Words

Post 2


Hi Leo! Just a couple things:


Oh, *the* Oliver Wolcott, silly me... could you rephrase this in less definite terms (something like "Oliver Wolcott, a delegate to the Continental Congress who signed the Declaration of Independence")?

Do we know why he was expelled? I love scandal.

It's customary for four-letter words not allowed by the profanity filter to use the first letter followed by an m-dash, like "F&mdash;".

Other than that, looks great! I'm looking forward to editing the project!

A13758096 - Wolcott Gibbs - Surgeon with Words

Post 3


The only person who intimated why he might have been expelled was a Brendan Gill, whose facts are not usually in order, but he said it had something to do with stealing a wreath out of a cemetary. smiley - erm

Another source hinted that he was kicked out of several schools, but failed to explain why. If I ever do a Ph.d, maybe I'll tackle Gibbs. But until then, his life is shrowded in mystery.

A13758096 - Wolcott Gibbs - Surgeon with Words

Post 4


Where are those special characters listed?

A13758096 - Wolcott Gibbs - Surgeon with Words

Post 5


Nevermind, found 'em.

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Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A13758096 - Wolcott Gibbs - Surgeon with Words

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