A Conversation for Sand And Foam--Kahlil Gibran

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A13591055 - Sand And Foam--Kahlil Gibran

Post 1


Entry: Sand And Foam--Kahlil Gibran - A13591055
Author: flyingtwinkle - U710842

I have learnt silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet strange, I am ungrateful to these teachers.

A13591055 - Sand And Foam--Kahlil Gibran

Post 2

Trin Tragula

Hello smiley - smiley

The Edited Guide Writing Workshop is for writing that's headed for the Edited Guide and I'm afraid a piece of writing actually *by* Kahlil Gibran doesn't qualify, out of copyright though it is. A piece of writing *about* Gibran might, but we have just had a very good Entry on him get into the EG.


Which is an excellent example of what the Edited Guide is looking for. Could you take this out of this review forum please?

A13591055 - Sand And Foam--Kahlil Gibran

Post 3

Gnomon - time to move on

Why is this labelled Kahlil Gabran?

A13591055 - Sand And Foam--Kahlil Gibran

Post 4

Gnomon - time to move on

Oh, I see. It is written by him. Then it certainly shouldn't be in the Edited Guide Workshop, as it will never form part of the Edited Guide as it stands.

A13591055 - Sand And Foam--Kahlil Gibran

Post 5

Trin Tragula

I'd forgotten all about this smiley - erm

flyingtwinkle, could you please remove this? It would be a lot better off on your Personal Space or in a journal entry.

A13591055 - Sand And Foam--Kahlil Gibran

Post 6

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

Is this for Alternative Forum?

A13591055 - Sand And Foam--Kahlil Gibran

Post 7

Trin Tragula

No smiley - smiley The Alternative Writing Workshop is for writing not suitable for the Edited Guide, but it still has to be original work. This is somebody else's poem.

A13591055 - Sand And Foam--Kahlil Gibran

Post 8

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

You can repost it here, if you want, flyingtwinkle smiley - smiley


A13591055 - Sand And Foam--Kahlil Gibran

Post 9


It appears that flyingtwinkle has been inactive of late, and unlikely to comply with the request for removal.

Any chance one of the sub-editors can remove this? As much as I've enjoyed Kahlil's work, I hate to see it plagerised.

For those who know 'The Prophet' - by Kahlil Gilbran, I suggest you might also enjoy the tongue-in-cheek 'The Profit' - by Kellog Allbran.
smiley - biggrin

Quite a satire.

smiley - towel

A13591055 - Sand And Foam--Kahlil Gibran

Post 10


Back to Entry (not EG suitable)

A13591055 - Sand And Foam--Kahlil Gibran

Post 11

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Agreedsmiley - ok

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