A Conversation for Watch out for my posse!!!!

the posse

Post 61


I would like to join the Posse. I have qualifications. I'm just not entirely sure what they are.

the posse

Post 62


it is good to hear that you have qualifications but are unaware of exactly what they are because if you knew then you would be disqualified for membership smiley - winkeye
now onto the initiation ritual.....you must swear complete loyalty to our cause whatever it may be at the time smiley - winkeye and one more thing you must do (this is the most important part) you must partake of the basket.....this basket contains many items all meant to give you the proper state of mental being to be able to handle such an emense responsiblity as the one you are about to begin smiley - smiley
monsy smiley - fish


the posse

Post 63


(Raises left foot) I swear on this basket loyalty to the ever-changing causes of madmunk and his posse. (Begins to wobble) I accept this great and wonderful basket and shall partake of its purity and goodness. (Attempts to bow, but falls over) Ow. (Stands up.) Thank you.

the posse

Post 64


How do I get a pic to you MadMunk?
signed, The computer remedial Wowbagger.

the posse

Post 65


congratulations icaras!! you are now an official member of our little posse smiley - smiley...little did you know that you were supposed to fall down to complete the ritual smiley - winkeye
wowbagger......if you go to his homepage he has an e-mail address posted there and that should be the easiest way to send him a pic smiley - smiley
monsy smiley - fish

the posse

Post 66


But the falling down usally come from drunkenness, not bad balance. There's a distinction.

the posse

Post 67


Welcome icarussmiley - smileyIt's good to hear that you are familiar with drunkeness!Hey Monsy smiley - winkeyehope that you haven't lost the endearing pic of me wearing a hot air balloon......please use that one....I would hate to see any of the others getting into the wrong hands LOL
shazz smiley - bigeyes~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*smiley - fish

the posse

Post 68


Wearing a hot air balloon? This I've GOT to see smiley - bigeyes!

the posse

Post 69


i still have that pic in my hot little computer smiley - smiley....it is quite a good one too i must say smiley - smiley i will have to find the time to start uploading these things soon so we may all share in sight smiley - winkeye
monsy smiley - fish

the posse

Post 70


I am only familiar with drunkenness as an observer. A while ago my mother (that's right, *mother*. The one who's supposed to be a responsible adult) threw a kegger and everybody got drunk on Pale Ale. This was a traumatic experience for me. Drunk people are scary.

the posse

Post 71


Only SOME drunk people are scary.....we are all rather endearing when we get a little pissed in h2g2 smiley - bigeyes
shazz smiley - winkeye

the posse

Post 72


Allow me to qualify that: These specific drunken people were very disturbing to my fragile psyche.

the posse

Post 73


just remember that getting pissed on h2g2 is nothing like getting pissed in reality.....it is much much more fun and not at all dangerous smiley - bigeyes
monsy smiley - fish

the posse

Post 74


MUCH more fun.... and no hangovers - which is funny considering how virtually pissed people get around here - if they got as drunk as they make out, we'd be in a lot of trouble!

the posse

Post 75


Is cyber-drinking legal for minors?

the posse

Post 76


perfectly legal smiley - smiley))) unlike real life you don't have to reach a certain age to drink among these halls smiley - smiley))))
monsy smiley - fish

the posse

Post 77


Very well then. eVodka for everyone!!
| |

the posse

Post 78


My my Ms Monsy. You ARE a bad influence aren't you?
*burp* pass the vodka smiley - smiley
Better still Icarus... join one of our many parties!
Here's mine:
Just click on and transport yourself to another time!
I'm sure the others will tell you about theirs.

the posse

Post 79


monsy isn't a bad influence! And look at what the parser has done to my eVodka!

the posse

Post 80


Me????, a bad influence???, never!!, i would never ever dream of corrupting an innocent mind or do anything to cause trouble smiley - winkeye
here icarus, have a fishy, it will help make the e vodka up there look a little more like it should have to begin with smiley - smiley
it's all a matter of perception................
monsy smiley - fish

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