A Conversation for Gin and Bitter Lemon

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Post 21


smiley - applause well done ubernorman! smiley - applause

Time for a celebratory GBL smiley - stiffdrink I think!

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Post 22

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Congratulations ubernormansmiley - applause

smiley - stiffdrink

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Post 23

Apophis42-The Great DM in The Sky

Good job smiley - applause

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Post 24

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Hello ubernorman smiley - smiley

I've got your wonderful smiley - stiffdrink entry to sub-edit, so if you'd like to go subscribe (so the conversations when it goes live will appear on your Personal Space) to the soon-to-be-edited version which you'll find here: A13996290
then we can start discussing the entry!smiley - cheers

Galaxy Babe

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Post 25

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

The "boules" link was uneditedsmiley - erm so I've replaced it with cricket, is that alright?

Peer Review: A13071854 - Gin and Bitter Lemon

Post 26


Although my own preferred brand is Bombay Sapphire, I have to stand up for Cork Dry. It doesn't have to say "London" or "Plymouth" on the label to avoid tasing of cheap perfume!

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Post 27


as cricket is just about the greatest thing given to us and nearly a proof of the existence of god i would love it to be referenced and in fact can't think why i didn't do it in the first place.

thanks for all your conragtulatory remarks.

norm smiley - ok

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Post 28

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

You're welcomesmiley - ok

I have left messages on your Personal Space smiley - smiley

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