A Conversation for The London Congestion Charge

A1302805 - The London Congestion Charge

Post 41

Dinnerlady [The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom]William Blake. Top lad:)

Any more comments??


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Post 42


Congratulations Mel - your entry is heading off towards the Edited Guide! If you're not already familiar with the process, EditedGuide-Process should explain it all. smiley - smiley

smiley - bubbly
Rho - covering for U294. smiley - winkeye

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Post 43


smiley - bubblysmiley - ok

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Post 44

Number Six

smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

smiley - applause

smiley - mod

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 45

Dinnerlady [The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom]William Blake. Top lad:)

hurray!!!! first one ever, thanks all!

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